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Posts posted by HollowHills

  1. This is really too negative. Everyone knew that FW was in a weird place especially with the transition from WHFB to AoS. 

    Chorfs literally only just lost their matched play points and it is very clear they are coming out as a new army for AoS in the near future.

    There has been a lot of instability as to what would stay and what would go from WHFB but it's pretty clear that all the battletome factions which now exist will continue to be supported. 

    We'd all love to get Lumineth or Stormcast levels of support, but as others have said even Fyreslayers got terrain and endless spells.

    Of course we all worry. I saw all the rumours about Idoneth selling poorly and with the popularity of Lumineth I fear GW is unlikely to give them much support. But even with that pessimism there is no reason to doubt they will get at least new books and a model here and there.

    I don't think it's really reasonable to expect your model collection to be playable for 30+ years without any changes. This is why WHFB died.

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  2. I've worked it out. Nurgle vs FEC battlebox in October with two new books for each grand alliance that wasn't featured in Dominion.

    This matches rumour engines and combines two of the older books with the statements we've had from Whitefang.

    It also matches the 40k 9th ed release pattern of a battlebox shortly after the range releases.

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  3. 2 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    I am almost certain that these two RE are for the same model. A seated Ghoul King leaning on his sword!!


    This would be hype. I think FeC have some of the best lore in aos, but it's not reflected in the models at all.

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  4. 56 minutes ago, JPjr said:

    anyone heard anything about what's happening with the Soul Wars exclusive models now those boxes are on the way out?

    You've got the mounted Lord Arcanum, Knight Incantor, mounted Knight of Shrouds and Guardian of Souls that never got solo releases. Those two nighthaunt models are on the same sprue I think, the mounted Lord Arcanum has a random Evocator on theirs I think.

    there aren't Sacrosanct or Nighthaunt Start Collecting boxes so could see those turn up at some point maybe 


    I suspect that they may get released as start collecting sets to tie in with a new Nighthaunt battletome at somepoint.

  5. So since Volturnos CA change I'm playing around with Tidecaster reverse tide lists. Basically taking Fuethan as the enclave to get the turn 1 run and charge going into strike first on turn 2.

    The main downside is having to take 3 nemarti units as battleline, but I feel like reavers can work well as a screen and even offer a little bit of damage with unleash hell. A single unit of thralls could be decent too, but the question being how you get them where they need to go.

  6. I agree it's a bit silly with stormcast. Unless we see massive changes not only are the wave one stormcast totally outdated but probably the wave two releases as well.

    Plus the new units they showed off make this problem even worse. Yet more battleline and small heroes.

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  7. To celebrate the launch of AoS 3rd here is a thread to make / wishlist a monster for your favourite faction!

    As this is the monster edition if we're lucky we might even see some of these come to pass.


    Forgive me for my crappy warscroll format.


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  8. 14 minutes ago, Molkaice said:

    A tide caster would be a good option, however (and I'm probably an outlier) I can't find a reason I'd play spell casters in our army still.  We only have one enclave for "a" plus to cast and rerolls are limited.  Against the big boy casters it feels a bit of a waste.

    Still who knows with the new edition, I tried running a mixed eel list with eidolon and I'm not sure I like how it felt.  I just want thralls to be something I can charge in without putting them down as all or nothing units (win or you're all gone by end of combat).

    I'm going to try to play my friends in the next week or so with the new rules and hopefully I can pull put something together that is more fun


    I have two reasons for going for a caster. 1) ability to get rid of the opponents endless spells, in particular the new shackles. 2) as the cloud of midnight cannot be used to block shooting anymore, ghost mist might be a good option.

  9. 1 hour ago, Molkaice said:

    Wow our ship took a hit, having it be in your territory really stops deployment shenanigans.  Is it worth it to even bring it still?


    I mean it's free and basically a slightly annoying barrier for your opponent. I would maybe leave it at home for casual games where you can't be bothered to carry it.

    Also slightly annoyed we can only take a single boat now as most of us bought two.

    Maybe you could garrison a Tidecaster in there to make her tanky?

    • Like 1
  10. 5 minutes ago, DocKeule said:

    New FAQ: No changes apart from the ships. 

    We can still have two pieces and two halves make one piece.

    We have to place them outside of 3" from other terrain now.

    It can be garrisoned but only with models with five or less wounds and no mounts.

    The 6+ ward save is gone.


    Not true. Volturnos no longer has to be general to use his CA.

    Also I clarified with the playtesters that Volturnos can't take a mount trait.

  11. 2 hours ago, Deakz28 said:

    I have a strong feeling everyone will get at least *one* model with their battletomes! 40K has! And I could easily see 4 non order times, since no order times are desperately old(in fact some are the newest!) other than dwarves which are rumoured to be souped anyhow, so I could see them being the fifth tome and first new one! 

    I would hope for more than one after no new kits for 3+ years! Seeing everyone get their battlebox and hero was sad.

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  12. I would say GW relationship with LGS is variable at best.

    It may be the case that big retailers, element games, Wayland games etc, can get very favorable mark ups but I don't think that is universal. I understand that a small to medium LGS makes very little on selling GW products. Plus as others have said they are forced to stock various products which may not sell at all.

    For instance the Firestorm army boxes were in stock at my local for years. They even reduced them to 50% off rrp at a sale day and no one bought them.

    Also when the new paint range launched stores had to buy the entire new range, return the old range and pay for a new display stand.

    Plus the stores have to compete with online retailers that may be able to offer 20-30% discounts when they can only afford 10-15%. They might see their "customers" play in store, but buy their models from other retailers. 

  13. 7 minutes ago, Siorra said:

    Has anyone been able to figure out where we stand with mount traits? If I'm reading it right we can only take 1 (unless our battalion allows an extra) and Volturnos is no longer able to have one. Is anyone able to confirm this?

    That's my understanding. But the "unless noted otherwise" makes it unclear if the core rules or Morathi rules take precedence. I'm hoping that a day one faq clears this up.

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  14. My LGS owner said the following:

    He was allocated about 60 copies of both indomitus and dominion. Indomitus sold out within minutes of going on sale. As of the weekend they had sold just over 40 copies of Dominion.

    He speculated it had sold a lot less than GW expected as they received confirmation there would be no second print run. 

    However, he was happy to keep dominion in stock as he felt it would sell over time. 

    He also mentioned that a lot of younger customers are really into stormcast, but less so the adult aos crowd who tend to prefer armies that existed or are similar to WHFB armies.

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