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Everything posted by HollowHills

  1. My hopes for faction expansion not new armies Idoneth Embaillor (Beast controller hero) Endless spells Bonus - New sea monster or crab. Sylvaneth Kurnothi release Bonus - New book massively reduces the reliance on woods as a mechanic. Lumineth No more models you have enough. Slaves to Darkness New multipart kits for warriors and knights plus actual good rules. Some kind of cool marauder replacement. Skaven Some kind of AoS style range.
  2. Whitefang reacted with "confused" to the post about 4chan leaks. So as far as I'm concerned they are false.
  3. Remember that it's likely you will be able to use Ironjawz, Bonesplittz and Kruelboyz together in the big waaagh. So hard to evaluate their overall strength based on their units alone. It may be viable to take some shooting and monsters from Kruelboyz combined with combat units like ardboyz or brutes.
  4. On the credibility of these rumors. In favour: They leaked the reinforcement rules on Wednesday before the pages were put up elsewhere. Bob on War of Sigmar claims these line up with the rumors he has heard. Given that war of sigmar tends to get info from Atia and she is reliable this is quite strong evidence. 4chan has seen accurate leaks lately. Against: It's 4chan. The story leaks don't seem to make much sense when the theme of the edition was more about destruction and beasts. Aos 2 followed the Soul Wars theme all the way until the last BR book which transitioned into 3rd. They use the name "Umbraneth" which I'm fairly sure was shown to be a fake leak previously.
  5. So someone on 4chan who "leaked" the reinforcement rule also "leaked" this release schedule for aos 3rd. 2021/2022 Maggotkin, Gitz, Ogors and BoC as the first 4 books after SCE and Orruks. Large releases for Ogors and BoC. 2022 Dawnbringer Crusades (rebooted cities) Umbraneth and River Temple Lumineth 2023 Chorfs If this is true I'm quitting aos in protest at Idoneth not getting a new book or models for 4 to 5 years.
  6. I know everyone is hype for Dominion, but reminder to pre order your crab today. We need to show GW that crabs are the future for AoS.
  7. Shooting has been a nightmare in AoS. It fluctuates between being completely useless and horrible overpowered. What's more rather than shooting being particularly logical, in that a big block of archers should be a good anti horde choice, it is almost always used to snipe heroes. I don't think it would make sense to ban shooting while in combat. For one it would ruin KO. Likewise I agree it's stupid if 30 archers can't shoot because they are in combat with a single grot. Also you have models where it makes sense that they can shoot in combat. For instance, the harpooners on the howdah while the Leviadon itself is doing the fighting. Personally I would like to see weapons have keywords like in 40k. For instance the "skirmish" weapon keyword could mean a ranged weapon can be used to shoot while in combat. The "deadeye" keyword allows heroes to be targeted and ignores look out sir.
  8. Same. It's cool that aos gets so many new armies, but I'd like to see them expand the existing factions a bit. I hope Kruelboyz (I hate the name btw) are a sign of this. Visually distinctive but fit within an existing army. Hopefully we do get Kurnothi too as an expansion for sylvaneth. My wish for Idoneth is they go more into the sea theme rather than the elf theme. All the elf purists can play Lumineth. Give us crabs, squid, octopus, angry fish whatever.
  9. I feel like an Idoneth vs Nurgle battlebox with one new hero each and the new books would be a nice release for late in the year. A bit like the Eldar vs Sisters box they did for after the new 40k ranges.
  10. This is the best model GW has ever sculpted. Anyone who disagrees with me will be the first against the wall when the crustaceans rise. Idoneth clearly need a 2nd wave with only sea creatures, crabs, squid, octopus etc If GW do not oblige they are leaving good money on the table.
  11. Honestly it's kinda just a personal opinion. It seems to me like they are trying to bring aos more thematically in line with old whfb. So it's a sort of nobledark world where there is a lot of grim stuff but the heroes have a chance. A lot of newish releases, gloomspite, lumineth, gravelords have had units that are modern interpretations of iconic WHFB units. The new stormcast seem to clearly be an aesthetic shift from when they were first introduced. They look like humans in armour now, rather than fantasy space marines. See how the slightly comic book style dark oath never got a full release, instead we got remakes of chaos warriors. My view is the people in charge of aos now feel confident of making it closely resemble the good parts of WHFB that people loved, I.e flavour, main characters, iconic units while using the flexibility of aos to introduce whatever they think is cool. The aos setting as it is now allows them to finally unite all the great WHFB stuff while having the creative freedom to introduce factions like Idoneth, Karadron etc that wouldn't have fit in the old world.
  12. In my opinion the aesthetic of AoS is getting closer and closer to WHFB by the day.
  13. New stormcast are cool. Now really my thing but definitely suit dark fantasy more than the old ones. I had a slim hope Idoneth might be featured in 3.0 (given the book being the oldest) but knew it was unlikely. Keen to see the new evil army. Maybe they will tie in with Kragnos?
  14. Anyone else wondering why Morathi and Kroak are buddies now?
  15. I honestly can't see why they wouldn't reprint it. Blackstone fortress is still around even now right? Plus they will want to sell expansions for cursed city.
  16. Interesting thing to note. If AoS 3rd is expected in July, that doesn't give much time for them to release Be’lakor and Kragnos plus at least one other book (assuming witch hunters aren't part of either of those). Plus if we are getting new Monday previews for BR models that implies more books than just the two we know are coming. This to me suggests if we are getting aos 3 it may not be in July.
  17. Hey @Icegoat nice to see humans aren't getting any new models for aos right?
  18. I have a feeling they will do a preview next Saturday.
  19. I'm going to say it's not jdoneth as it looks crude. Also, every time I call idoneth I'm wrong. So maybe this time if I'm wrong I'll be happy.
  20. I get why people are annoyed at LRL. My one hope for aos 3 is they try to bring more back and forth into the game. Magic has basically reached a point where you either pretty much guarantee being able to do all your spells or you don't play magic at all. Likewise they can't seem to balance shooting at all. It always seems to land in horribly overpowered or totally useless territory. I honestly feel like aos could really benefit from shooting being you go, I go. Also let's just get rid of fight first from the game. Every faction that has had access to reliable fight first, ID, FEC, Slaanesh has spent time as an overpowered army. These type of mechanics can be countered with clever positioning, screens etc but overall they don't feel great. Especially among casual players they give the impression of being unstoppable.
  21. I feel like Kurnothi are coming and that centaur guy hints at it. They have done a fair bit of lore building around Kurnothi over the last year or two and Cursed City also brings in another model. It doesn't make sense to me from a brand perspective to introduce Kurnothi and then release new "beast people" that look similar to but aren't Kurnothi. That said, Kragnos sounds like something different. So I'm thinking possibly a new faction for destruction vs Kurnothi as the start of aos 3?
  22. I'm sure they will do aos media eventually. Given this is a new venture it makes sense to use their most established IP at the beginning and then branch out later. AoS as a tabletop game has become extremely successful, but outside of that medium it has very little appeal. A lot of people who play the 40k video games, read the books and watch the media may never have played a game of tabletop 40k.
  23. Hey guys look at all these cool new models! Except we aren't selling them. At least you can grab a new coin and a free model! Except our shops aren't open.
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