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Everything posted by HollowHills

  1. I think people should chill a bit about the warclans rules. Remember you're not playing a Kruelboyz army, you're playing a Orruk Warclans army. Most of the strength in the book will be based on how good big waggh is when choosing the optimal units from across the range. That range is pretty big and Orruk Warclans were a fairly solid pick for a lot of AoS2. I can see them doing ok in AoS 3.
  2. I think it's a nice little ability. Gives you some level of protection against shooting for a fairly combat heavy army. Some units, sentinels, tzeentch archaon, nagash, severith etc are broken to the extent that any rules that work effectively against them would be their own kind of toxic. Better to nerf these units. I suspect the proof for warclans will be in how big wagggh works rather than these subfactions. Stormcast continue to look very strong on the basis of previewed rules. A 6 up ward might not sound like much, but bear in mind most of this army will be on 2+ saves and Praetors exist.
  3. I want it to fail enough they have to improve their offering or are disincentivised from paywalling previously free content.
  4. They know the actual content isn't that great so they need to reinforce that by offering incentives. If they were confident in the offering they wouldn't have announced the voucher promotion less than a week before launch.
  5. This is sad but funny... So in addition to an extremely buggy sign up process (from what I've heard) the app isn't even called Warhammer+, it's Warhammer TV. The battle report is also a 1k game using only models from the starter set. 🤣😂
  6. Exactly. I would be really happy with this even without any animation content or free models. Most people know there are ways to get access to all the rules without paying for them, but I'd much rather there be a legitimate way to do so. If you want to play competitive matched play you really need to be able to check out rules for popular lists. I used to torrent tons of films and TV shows because they either weren't available in the UK or the only option was to buy them on DVD which cost £10 to £15 each. Now I subscribe to multiple streaming services and never torrent. Plus I still buy physical content sometimes, but it's more likely to be a big limited edition of something I really love. If GW had this approach I would still buy physical books for the armies I play, but I'd have legitimate access to all those I don't play but need to know the rules for.
  7. I think this is pretty close to what my main concern with WH+ is. If it was marketed and presented as a primary hobby service that focused on adding lots of good hobby content then I'd be more interested. Instead it seems to be marketed mostly as a streaming service with most of the content beyond the animations being vague and unclear. If it was a service that focused on releasing loads of painting, modeling and gaming videos plus access to a digital library of up to date rules and lore I'd be much more interested. They could even do cool stuff with the app, like keep the warscrolls and basic features free but add an "aos reminders" type function as the premium option. Right now it isn't really clear how much hobby stuff there will be, how often it will be added and of what quality. They mostly seem focused on pushing it as a streaming service which is why I compare it to Netflix or Disney. Right now there is nothing that is useful to me from a gaming perspective, no rules content access, no app etc and the hobby side is completely unknown. If you subscribe to Duncan you know what you are going to get. High quality painting videos that are presented by someone who comes across really well.
  8. What constitutes value is always going to be subjective. For some the Ironjawz model is worth the price alone. But for me if you compare what other services offer and what WH+ could have offered it isn't good value. Compare what you get included with Disney+, Netflix, Amazon Prime etc to what WH+ offers. GW could have also included all current white dwarfs and digital books with WH+ but deliberately chose not to.
  9. Obviously this is just my opinion. It's coming from the same place as asking people not to pre-order video games at full price before they've even been reviewed. Basically I'm just saying don't give a company money until you know the product is worth it. I don't really understand why some people would stan so hard for GW that they'd want to shut down discussion. But hey, this forum has taught me there are some people willing to praise GW regardless of what they do.
  10. I am strongly encouraging my fellow AoS hobbyists to avoid signing up to WH+ Reasons 1) There is little to no AoS content at launch. We know there are no AoS animations as part of the launch offering. The only announced AoS fiction for the platform is the Blacktalon animation that lacks any clear release. We know there are two battle reports and two painting videos, it seems likely that one of each will be for AoS. However, there are tons of free painting videos on YouTube (including by GW) and if you are looking to go to the next level I would advise spending the money supporting a pro painter who has a patreon. There are so many free battle reports on YouTube. 2) We have no idea when the AoS app will launch or the state it will be in. Put simply it could be a complete car crash or totally lacking in features. We also have no idea when it will be updated or how much premium access will be included initially as opposed to a free "beta". If you think I am being pessimistic look at the 40k app and how that went. 3) We have no idea how often new content will be added. Very simple. They could add several new episodes each week, or it could be a couple a month. We also don't know how long these episodes will be. For instance, painting videos may only be 5 to 10 minutes. 4) There is no harm in waiting. Give it a few months. You can get an idea of the quality and schedule of content, as well as hopefully see the release of the aos app. If it turns out to be great then you've got a few episodes of different series lined up to binge. If it turns out ****** then you've dodged a bullet. Sure you are going to miss out on some store vouchers, but most countries have access to LGS who offer 10 to 25% discounts on GW products. You also potentially save more money by just waiting. AND MOST IMPORTANTLY... 5) Put pressure on GW We should all remember that up until now a lot of the content that exists on WH+ has been available for free. The old AoS app, painting videos and so on. GW is monetizing something they used to give away, and as consumers that isn't a good deal for us. Nor are they actually sticking to their commitments, I.e. including a premium aos app at launch. If the service struggles to attract subscribers at launch do you know what will happen? They will have to make it more appealing to consumers. Do you know who wins from that? YOU! A final word... If you are already using the paid features of the 40k app or are really keen to set aside time to pour through old white dwarf articles, then go ahead and subscribe. I know there will be value in this content to some people. This post is meant to argue that the cost exceeds the value for most AoS players. If you are 100% happy and excited for what's already been announced then I truly hope you have a lovely bug free launch day and enjoy it!
  11. Here is the situation with the app. The team they have working on it is tiny and split across the AoS app, the 40k app and now the WH+ app. Their priority right now is the launch of WH+ and that is only going to be a success if they make sure the app that hosts it is working. That means all their developers are 100% focused on getting it ready and fixing any issues post launch. The goal was to release the aos app with the new edition, but they don't have an MVP yet. So what is going to happen is that the aos app in a very basic state is going to "launch" in a free beta version. This means they can excuse all the bugs, lack of working content and options. The app will stay in this "beta" state indefinitely with no work being done on it. Once they are confident with WH+ they will return back to fixing issues and putting content into the AoS app. It is unlikely to be functional until at least next year.
  12. It's been indefinitely delayed. WH+ is launching prior to any app rollout. They are focused on making sure that the WH+ app itself functions and dealing with the work on that.
  13. New chaos warriors and marauders soon? https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/08/20/which-battletome-has-the-best-artwork-stormcast-eternals-or-orruk-warclans/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=Facebook&utm_campaign=Facebook&utm_term=BattletomeArt20082021&utm_content=BattletomeArt20082021#gallery-1-2
  14. I'm guessing it's pretty easy to be a transgender stormcast. Sigmar can presumably reforge people in whatever body they want. But I think by definition every slaanesh character is probably LGBT.
  15. A bit of green stuff and you could easily make a female gargant. Give them a backstory as being a transgender gargant or something even. Then you can beat games workshop in having the first transgender model. Though I'm sure we'll get an official one sooner than later with the diversity push.
  16. Undivided demons would be super cool. Seems unlikely though given the lore. Unless it's something like Be’lakor gets to make his own.
  17. Personally I think the B&C leak is pretty credible. I've kind of given up on 4chan. It's 99% ****** posting. I used to go there for resources but there are better places now. Also the Incel style alt right humor has become less tolerable since it started to lead to actual real life violence.
  18. "All out attack makes Savage Orruks real winners in their new battletome" - A "playtester"
  19. I'm really nervous about this stormcast release. It seems like there is going to be a lot of power creep in aos 3.
  20. Here is a brief list of armies that can kill SoB while still playing a competitive list designed for a 5 game event. Order IDK, LRL, DOK, Seraphon, FS, CoS. Chaos Tzeentch, StD, Nurgle Death SGL, OBR Destruction OM, Big Waggh SoB are a strong pick and got better with the white dwarf, but they are amongst a pack of solid armies.
  21. I'm not saying they are bad. They are definitely a solid A tier (below S) and in the same bracket as stuff like Idoneth. But if I'm fighting SoB I know I can kill their units. If I'm fighting Morathi, Tzeentch Archaon etc I know I can't. I wouldn't want to play a low tier army vs SoB but you can say that for many A tier lists.
  22. I have. It isn't that hard. I've played SoB twice and both times my Idoneth shredded them.
  23. Eh I feel like it's kinda ok given that all the other factions have access to a one drop, plus SoB aren't that good anyway. I'm still against the concept in general though.
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