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Posts posted by EccentricCircle

  1. 4 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

    I think this probably is it, a fear of TTRPGs intruding on their gaming space in a way that video games or funko pops or other licensed thing don't. As I understand it part of the reason FFG were dropped as partners/licensees and all that generation of 40k RPGs thrown in the bin was that FFG were themselves getting into the tabletop minis sphere with stuff like X-Wing.

    It's a shame. WFRP was some of the best written stuff in Warhammer, Dark Heresy and co. some of the best in 40k, and the same applies for Soulbound and AoS.

    Right, and if you look at GWs history there was a point where there was the Games Workshop side doing RPGs and the Citadel side doing wargames. While theu kept both names, its the Citadel side we have today, and I wonder if they feel branching out too much into rpgs would be a step backwards or dilute the warhammer brand that's been the cornerstone of their success, or something like that? Maybe?

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  2. Its great how joined up with the ongoing AoS narrative Soulbound seems to be. Its clear that they have a lot of access, and are able to really expand and detail the setting in a meaningful way. Even if you don't play RPGs they are great as lore books about the setting.

    GW have always been funny about supporting their licensed RPGs, even back in the day when Dark Heresy was big, they didn't really acknowledge that it was a thing. I wonder whether it was the forces within the company which shifted it away from doing RPGs in house in the first place. I wonder if some of the higher ups are happy to license it out, but are worried that it will somehow split their player base or stop people buying models if they invest heavily into buying books from C7. I don't think that's a logical position, but its the only one I've ever been able to think of to explain it.

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  3. 18 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    For me it's because I was predicting Nighthaunt as an upcoming tome even before the model tease, while I would have previously been fairly sure that we should not expect anything new for Daughters for a few years. So I interpret the Nighthaunt model as their new hero to go with their tome update, but I have no idea what to think of that DoK model. That makes me more open to believe that it could be Cursed City related or some kind of limited anniversary thing.

    I guess I'm assuming that new edition means that everyone will get a new book sooner or later, and the order they come out will bear little to no resemblance to who actually needs one!

  4. With dominion, bear in mind that it is mainly sat on shelves at local indy game stores, not GW ones as far as I can see. That means that to us and the FLGS owners its an unsold product. But to GW It was sold to that retailer and they already made their money off of it. 

    So long as the product doesn't get returned, they don't care how long it actually takes to get into a customer's hands.

    They've made their massive profit, the flagship starter is still in circulation gathering interest for the brand, and even if they could have gotten away with making fewer, or had to pressure third parties into buying lots, I don't think they'd consider that a failure. They've made all the money they wanted too. Like it or not, if they tell their investors that it was a massive success, they consider it a massive success!

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  5. I reckon it will just be Fyreslayers and Idoneth. Probably just book covers, though you never know. There could be vague hints at upcoming Nighthaunt and Do K tomes, since they already foreshadowed them at new year, but I wouldn't expect more than seeing a clear picture of the ghost or Sister of slaughter minis they already showed in blurry form in the trailer. 

    that or it will be something completely different which we never could have predicted. With so little idea what's coming for Aos anything is possible...

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

    oof really, they're the same price for DND?? Glad I've passed on even the Black Library LEs...

    They are indeed, with the caveat that they are limited to brick and mortar gaming stores, so you tend to buy them at close to RRP. The non limited books tend to end up on amazon a fair bit cheaper than RRP, so while there technically isn't a markup, in practice you end up paying slightly more (though no where near the markup on GW's supposedly "premium" books).

    That said I tend to think that supporting my local gaming store makes it more than worth it, and they don't come out so regularly that it becomes too much of an issue. So far I've bought every single 5e book from the same local store, and I don't plan on changing that any time soon.

    It used to be the case that you could also get the limited edition cover a week early in your local game shop, while online retailers had to wait. That hasn't survived pandemic logistics unfortunately, and these days you're lucky to get any of them on the release date.

    Games workshop could definitely learn a thing or two from that business model though. If you want us to pay for a product, you have to make it one worth paying for.

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  7. I enjoy collecting gaming books, but special edition battletomes are one I just won't touch with a barge pole. The very limited added "niceness" relative to the huge additional cost just makes them a joke. If they had a shiny varient cover like the spellbook styled editions of the D&D manuals that would be one thing( though still too pricey). But its not as though the title really gets in the way on the regular edition books, so the limited editions just seem a complete cop out. 

    I'm happy for those who like them for sure. But to me it just seems you are paying a huge price just tp be able to show off that you splashed out, not for a significantly better or even different product.

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  8. The new year trailer also showed some sort of sisters of slaughter heroine for DoK, so they are likely getting a book.

    I'd be surprised if there is no overlap between Aos and ToW. Almost all recently released factions have had a core of perfectly respectable old world style models (LRL, SBG, OWC). Plus loads of the original models are still on sale.

    That said I absolutely wouldn't put it past some executives to have issued that mandate despite the lack of logic to it. It wouldn't be the first time They've done something that daft. The tail often wags the dog, as it has been said...

  9. Most of my long standing armies have fleshed out leaders (well in the case of the tomb kings, "fleshed out" may not quite be the right term...)

    My Daughters of Khaine are led by Queen Azinda, who was a humble(-ish) hag queen in the armies of her temple. During a battle with the forces of Chaos, her commanding officers were slain, and she assumed command of the army, she stood against multiple chaos warriors, nearly falling multiple times, but always coming back from the brink, and allowing her surviving sisters to escape. ( I lost the game, but a legend was born as a result...) Azinda was elevated to Slaughter queen as a result of her bravery, and I converted her model to have a sword in place of the original goblet in light of this fact. She has been the general ever since. She has close links to the darkling covens, and Iriana, a darkling sorceress is her closest adviser and confident. They generally go into battle together, often leading combined forces.

    This alliance has meant that they haven't been too badly affected by the tensions between the Daughters and the Cities, which haven't yet reached their corner of the realms. When they were beset by the undead they were even rescued from certain doom by a freeguild regiment, commanded by Aleksandr Von Khyl, a bright wizard of the Collegiate arcane. Now his guild and Iriana's coven jointly control the powerful arcane nexus where the battle took place and are building (or rather rebuilding) a new wizard's guild and free city dedicated to the arcane arts amidst the ruins.

    I am still fleshing out the collegiate arcane. My plan is do do a painting project called "Mages through the ages" where I paint up a series of wizards of different colleges and vintages. I have many of the models, but haven't gotten around to painting many of them yet. The leader will be a gold wizard, using one of the really old citadel mage sculpts. He is going to be Professor Sir Herbert Seltzer Ph.D. FRAlS, Alchemist Royal in his kingdom, and Archchancellor of the Collegiate Arcane in the newly rebuilt city of Dragonsdorf.

    The Dragonsdorf alliance was then approached by the leaders of my Tomb Kings army, a pair of twin sorceresses named Ameriset and Amenirdis. They wanted the mortal's aid to capitalise on the temporary fall of Nagash, and try to free their kingdom in the desert of skulls from the thrall of the God of Death forever. They knew of an ancient relic of a now eaten death god deep within the desert of skulls. With it they could make a magical barrier which would grant all sentient undead within the continent their free will, and keep the forces of Nagash at bay. However, they knew that even in his weakened state, he would become aware of the ritual the moment they tried to enact it, and take control of their liche priests to stop it from happening.

    They thus negotiated an alliance with the Dragonsdorf Guild, and Herbert and Iriana led a contingent of a hundred wizards into the desert. The moment Nagash learned of the betrayal the Tomb Kings turned upon their mortal allies, but the freeguild and the Daughters of Khaine were able to hold them off long enough for the wizards to complete the ritual, and Nagash was driven from their home. The two cities, living and dead have been firm allies ever since, though both have come under attack by vampires and nighthaunt as a result of their betrayal. The Tomb Kings now stand eternal vigil over the site of the ritual, so that the spells which keep them free can never be undone.

    So that's the Dragonsdorf Saga. I've posted elsewhere about my plans for my Chaos Army, and Elsar Ragnarsdottir's bid to slay archaeon and become the next everchosen, but perhaps I'll put that here too in a later post!

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  10. 9 hours ago, Jefferson Skarsnik said:

    Everyone who posts on a wargaming forum should, as a condition of maintaining their account, be regularly required to upload a photo of their current pile of shame to function as their avatar, so that any complaints they make about the number of new plastic miniatures being marketed to them can be assessed in context



    I love this idea. I'm not going to do it as I'm not sure I could fit my whole backlog in one photo, but its a great idea nontheless!

  11. I'm also a models first kind of person. As others have said, the longer you are in the hobby, the more fleeting and temporary the rules that go with them seem.

    I tend to start something new when I need those models for an existing project, and often not actually a warhammer related one. More than a few of my armies have been started when I bought a box of this and a box of that for use in D&D or frostgrave, and then thought "ooh, if I put those together and add this or that it will be a functional-ish warhammer army"

    I will often go for army deals and boxed sets, but only when I already have a strong plan or theme that I know they will fit in with. I never get anything just because its a good deal.

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  12. So: things we can be fairly sure of. 

    Idoneth amd Fyreslayers, probably just a tome and heroes, though I'd be very happy to be proven wrong.

    We've also seen heroes for Nighthaunt and Daughters of Khaine in the trailer. My guess is that they will just be a book and hero too, but again you never know. 

    So my money is on those being the first four tomes of the year. 

    If we get one of the old resin factions updated then I think it will be Seraphon.

    Looking back at last edition, the malign portents heroes clearly telegraphed the shape of things to come. Broken Realms felt more miscellaneous, but if the stand alone models released were part of upcoming design efforts then that suggests Seraphon, Sylvaneth, and Cities.

    Now cities stuff could just come as part of cursed city expansions, after all, the S2D expansion last edition was by way of warcry, and I feel as though the two factions could well be analogous.

    Cursed City might give us more undead too, perhaps more vampires, or maybe more likely nighthaunt and ghouls timed so that they get something with their tomes? 

    I don't expect Lumineth or Slaanesh to get another wave, despite being in broken realms, as they already did. It wouldn't completely surprise me though!

    Then I think we'll see something completely new, but this is just as likely tp be completely unexpected as it is to be something we're wishlisting! As a dwarf fan, I'd live the rise of Grungni or Valaya, or the return of the Chaos dwarves. But the brand new factions are very rarely anything we could have predicted. 

    As for shadow rlves, I've historically been skeptical that they were on the schedule, but each year they get more likely, and we're now reaching the point where GW have had time to design them twice over in the time we've been hyped for their upcoming release. So maybe they will have thoughts s time!

    Mostly though, expect a lot of stuff to come via spin off games like underworlds, warcry and maybe now cursed city. Remember that between them they almost get as many model release slots as regular AoS. They are also smaller drop releases, easier to squeeze in.


    Above all expect the unexpected. That tends to ge what we get!

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  13. 5 minutes ago, madmac said:

     Wargaming is its own niche and all, but sometimes I have to genuinely wonder how many people who buy an army when it comes out end up selling it off and quitting the hobby altogether before it ever gets a major update.

    I think the thing to remember is that those of us who care about updates, metas and the upcoming release schedule at all aren't the bulk of the customer base. We talk loudest on the internet, but there are a lot of people who only play and collect casually. Around here, you get the impression that if you are a fan of an army, you buy all the units soon after release (or at least enough for 2k points) and then sit around waiting for more shiny things. However, there are a lot of folks, young people in particular, who don't have that kind of disposable income. They might play with basically a couple of boxes, and maybe get a bigger monster at christmas. For casual players there is no rush to update, and a single hero model, who can more or less be bought at a whim, is probably a pretty nice addition. For that audience, Fyreslayers aren't a ridiculous lineup.

    A lot of folks wont even know how old the book is, let alone be hampering for an update.

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  14. 12 minutes ago, Rachmani said:

    In my opinion Kruleboys are incredibly easy to paint well. Sure they‘ve gor belts and straps and such, but just look at their shields. Big and catchy. 
    Other than that I wholeheartedly agree with you!

    Cool, I've not actually got any, so was going off the catalogue photos rather than experience. good to know they are easier than they look!

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    Lets not lose sight of why factions like Stormcast and Space Marines are the poster boys.

    It actually has a lot less to do with the lore, which comes after the models are designed, and much more to do with what will hook in new hobbyists.

    Those two factions are gold in that respect because they are relatively easy to paint. The models are in a larger scale than the rest of the range (justified by they being giants), they are heavily armoured, with big chunky weapons, and often have helmets so that you don't need to be able to paint skin, hair, faces and the like straight away. They have solid ranges, with lots of options, so that even when they aren't great competitively they are a solid pick for a new player. 

    The "enemy factions" over the last few editions were likely chosen for similar reasons. Look at Necrons and Nighthaunt. As "Skeleton" factions both of them have the potential to be painted really straight forwardly, and so aren't too intimidating to a new painter, even if they are a fair bit more complex than Stormcast and space marines. Nurgle is similarly a good pick, as they lend themselves to sloppy grunginess rather than a really precise painting style.

    From a lore perspective, Lumineth seem like a natural poster faction, but from what I hear the models are complex to build and a nightmare to paint. Elves will always be fiddly, and that means that however popular they get, they don't work so well as an introductory faction to put in every box which a new player might pick up. That said, the same could potentially be said of Kruleboyz, and they've made the starter set, so who knows. Maybe they are changing their approach.

    • Like 6
  16. 42 minutes ago, Maogrim said:

    While I personally find discussion about historical allegory and following implications fascinating, first I would like to humbly suggest to @SeanMaguire1991 and @Noserenda to leave out phrases like 'says more about you than'. This should not be the space for low-key attacks on the character of another person, except he's outright stating harmful sexist, racist etc stuff.

    Now, on to the topic: I think asking whether 'Dawnbringer Crusades' is somewhat ideoligically tied to Christian crusades is valid. Fantasy games and their lore are texts and insofar do not develop out of thin air; they are inevitably influenced by the author's / authors' knowledge about history. Even if an author says 'Yeah, no, that's not what I meant' they can and should still be subject to critical literary analysis. Especially today where authors have the possibility to influence heavily how their texts are perceived; e.g. the Harry Potter series, whose author has constantly tried to retrospectively paint the story more diverse and inclusive than the text itself accounts for. 

    Agreed, warhammer is also a franchise which has always been steeped in historical allegory, social and political commentary and satire. While this has mostly been for the good, the extensive use of fantasy counterpart cultures in all three games carries with it a lot of orientalist tropes. 

    Now this was most pronounced in WFB, while 40k has gradually made itself more generic over the years. AoS has clearly set out to be more of a generic fantasy from the start, and ditch a lot of the more one to one historical equivalences, but they are still hard baked into a lot of the pop cultural ideas which underpin those factions. 

    even if the writers throw up their hands and say "We didn't mean any of that" it doesn't matter, all art is a dialogue with the issues of the time in which it's written. 

    i tend to prefer settings that are aware of the issues they are touching on and explore them in an informed manner, even if that ends up being challenging in one way or another. That shows more maturity than trying to file enough seriel numbers off tropes that the issues can be ignored, or worse being so uninformed that you don't see the connection between reality and fantasy, an uncritically reinforce tropes you aren't even aware of. 

    GW used to be really good at satire. I think these days executive meddling doesn't really let the writers go all in on it. Creating by committee is one of the surest ways to lose touch with the meaning behind the stuff you are writing.

    I suspect this is what is happening here. They are using the term "Crusade" because at this point they're using it so much in 40k that they just consider it a warhammer trope, and aren't really stopping to consider real world implications explore the themes in a deeper or more critical manner.

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  17. I'm disappointed to hear that umbraneth was a fake. I've been thinking that was a great name , and a nice riff on the theme. 

    I've been envisioning them as being more like the Shadar Kai from D&D. They are corrupted elves from the plain of shadow, who are a bit like Dark Eldar turned up to eleven with a bit of slaanesh mixed in.

  18. 1 hour ago, Neverchosen said:

    People want beard talk? People want elf talk? A chance for Cirdan, the Shipwright, to show his quality!

    Honestly I think that DoK will be souped. Outside of Death factions it feels like the armies that were based around specific subfactions or units have all found their way back into a soup styled army. I think this is why I am so interested in the fate of Fyreslayers as they seem like a perfect candidate for the soup treatment but I feel like Kharadron resist the soup treatment as they are a uniquely AoS idea and have lore reasons to avoid joining up with fire themed cultists.

    I was quite disappointed that when they released Cirdan for the Middle Earth SBG they didn't sculpt him with his mighty beard. I painted him as though he had a short one, but kind of wished my green stuff skills were good enough to make him more book acurate!

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  19. 5 hours ago, Chikout said:

    The most surprising thing about the DoK is just the timing. We've had a warcry warband, an Underworlds warband and a battletome in the last year or so. Unless they are doing a Lumineth, it only leaves Cursed City. 

    As others have said I hope it's not Malerion as I'm hoping for something pretty different for that faction. 

    While I'd love lots of AoS minis in the next few months, I'm genuinely excited to see more of the Eldar, especially the avatar. 

    Much as i'd like a new warband or expansion, she is most likely just the obligatory foot hero to go with a quick battletome only release.

    • Sad 1
  20. 16 minutes ago, Still-young said:

    It really feels more like wych elves than wyches to me. 




    Yep, I've been painting both these units recently, and agree that she is definitely for Daughters of Khaine or some sort of related faction.

    The first indication is the pale hair and pink skin, which is much closer to the Daughters colour scheme than the dark eldar one. Eldar wyches are generally very pale with red hair, whereas DoK tend to have pale pink hair. Then her Spaulder is much more DoK, the way it arches upwards to a point is distinctive of them, whereas dark eldar ones are flatter, but with spikes. Her vambraces are also a lot more ridged than spiked which DE ones would be. The knife could be dark eldar, but looks a lot more like a Sciansa, so again fits the Daughters theme better. 40K daggers are a bit more jagged.

    Then the bulk of her costume is a bit too skimpy for Dark Eldar. They usually wear what is effectively a body suite with gaps on the legs and midriff. This model seems to have straps running across her back, which fits better with the Witch Elfs armoured bikini top. If it were a Wych we'd expect the back of the suit to be the most bulky and built up bit, with a lot more vents and armour. Its a bit shadowy, but her lower clothing also looks like it could be coming into a bit of a thong, where again, Dark Eldar tend to be more modest on the lower half.

    The main exception to that is Lillith, who does traditionally have skimpier attire, and who's old model could more or less pass as a witch elf if you didn't know better. If we hadn't just got a new model of her a couple of years ago, then I could be convinced that this was her, although again the knife would be surprising. So its possible that it could be some sort of DE gladiatrix in her style, but I don't think that is likely. I think some sort of witch elf hero for AoS is far more likely, and that all of the design cues point quite clearly to that, whereas you'd have to make a bit of a stretch for her to be Dark Eldar, and imagine something quite new for their faction, which isn't really needed, or likely.

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  21. I'd be amazed if we don't get a slow down honestly. Most of this year has seemed to be GW rushing to get out the stuff that was delayed by the initial lockdowns and supply chain issues last year. Things have (seemingky) been pushed back, shuffled around, rushed and delayed at various points, but we've yet to really see the knock on effect of any slow down in R&D. Given how far ahead they work there is a chance that that is only just working its way through the pipeline to the stage where we become aware of it. Sooner or later there has to be a slowdown of some sort, and my guess is that this rumour desert is the start of it.

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  22. 7 minutes ago, Doko said:

    So is as i said, a no dwarf player asking for female dwarf while actual gw dwarfs players dont want female

    You realise that several pages of this thread today have been dedicated to nothing but warhammer dwarf players discussing how we wanr female models? I think its safe to say that all the evidence suggests that we, you know, do in fact want them!

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