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Posts posted by EccentricCircle

  1. 6 hours ago, Beliman said:

    I remember that there was a book or story about a Stormcast thatcontacted with people from the Wolrd that Was using the Realm of Chaos. Anyone knows where I can find more info about that?

    Thanks a lot!!

    The Realmslayer: blood of the old world radio play features Gotrek questing for a portal which will lead him back in time through tje realm o chaos. (To try to rescue Felix from the end times naturally.) Avoiding spoilers, it doesn't have time travelling stormcast though.

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  2. 6 hours ago, novakai said:

    Not oppose to it but I think what keep DoK separate is that they take up the female only army niche like Sister of Battle does and both those releases have done pretty well in getting female audiences into the hobby in recent times. 

    Does the army of scantily clad chainmaille bikini elves actually appeal to female audiences though? 

    • Thanks 2
  3. 2 hours ago, Maogrim said:

    I know this will garner some confused emojis but...

    All the time and money they could use for amazing new AOS stuff if they didn't decide to keep nonsense such as Bloodbowl around...

    It's just not my cup of tea. Not at all.

    It's fine that you don't like it. I don't either especially. But I disagree that it's just a waste of resources. Some folks out there probably think the same in reverse... Why focus on AoS when bloodbowl could be a main game?

    I'm glad they make lots of different things. Some i like, some I don't, but it broadens tje appeal of the hobby as a whole, and gives more people than ever an avenue to play. 

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  4. 6 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

    I'd say the correct term would be wetads

    That's great.

    Naiads and Nerieds would be a great way to expand on sylvaneth actually. It keeps the nature spirits vibe, and can have a consistent design language, while adding a whole new dimension and element. They wouldn't be sylvan though.

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  5. 2 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

    Partly because of rejuvenation, but don't forget they dumped a lot of warscrolls and kits without replacement. I'm not keeping count anymore, but since I started in 2018 it's at least in the thirties.

    I don't think that's worth praise.

    That's true. I found them suddenly dropping a huge slice of the cities range very upsetting, but while we lost some resin, it was the plastic kits that went which were the big deal. Either way though more warning would have been nice.

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  6. After the Skaven, who does have the oldesr minis? Obviously ogors and seraphon have lots of resin, but the sculpts themselves aren't really ancient. 21st century, rather than 20th for the most part. When you step back and look, they're really making some progress at updating things. Does GA death have any resin left now? Maybe just the vargulf? It seems like the others each have one or two resin heavy factions, but its not as common as it was just a couple of years back!

  7. 19 minutes ago, EntMan said:

    Thanks. Maybe I'll ask the question another way (with a probably more retconnable by GW number as an amswer) How many years/decades/centuries has the 40K narrative moved on since the 1990s?


    This is the kind of lore sleuthing I like! We know the squats were gone as of 3rd edition, and that's the oldest set of rulebooks I have in any event. So I'm flicking through my 3rd edition core book. The introduction doesn't cite a year, beyond the fact that it is the 41st millenium, and actually dates are sparser on a quick skim than I remembered. However, the date of the final inquisitorial memo at the end of the book is 3928997/M41. As far as I could see in the 2 minutes I've spent on it, that could be the latest date in the book.

    Now from a 40K fandom wiki we learn that the Era Indomitus begins in 999/M41.
    The latest event they list are the Plague Wars, which seem to be happening as of 012/M42. I'm not up on 40K lore enough to know whether that is the current date or not, but to me it looks as though a few hundred years have probably passed since 3e.



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  8. I agree that the beast men are unloved and neglected... But the thing is they basically always have been. "One edition away from being squatted" feels like its beem true for as long as I've been in the hobby! It's not happened yet even in GWs most frenetic squatting sprees ever so I reckon they're here to stay.

    They are such a central lore thing that I can see them being merged or split or what not, but I think warhammer will always have beastmen, just as it will have orks or elves od some permutations!

    • Like 2
  9. 7 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

    On the shoulderpad... Those are not runes with an actual meaning, but doesn't it somewhat look like "Tau"?

    It would be interesting if they can be Tau allies. For a long time there has been a stark divide in 40K between factions like the Imperium who can ally with any other of the countless imperial forces, and the xenos factions who are stand alone. Newer ranges do seem to be slowly addressing this, for example the Ynari allowing the different eldar factions to team up, and genestealer cultists being allies for the tyranids. I could see the Kin being intended as a range that can stand alone, but which would also work well as Tau auxilliaries, so that another faction has at least someone on its ally list finally.

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  10. I think there is so much potential here, the KO and Space Dwarf aesthetics definitely look as though they could meet in the middle. It will be interesting to see whether most of the troops have the big bulky space suits/armour, or whether they also have some with the old hatched padded jerkin look.

    I'm really excited about this preview. Dwarves are one of my favourite fantasy races of all time. Just the other day I was talking about what warhammer armies I had and jokingly told some friends that since I have Dispossessed/WFB dwarfs, Kharadrons, Fyreslayers, and Chaos Dwarfs, I now just needed them to bring back Squats and I'd be able to complete the set! Little did I know that my wish would come true just a few days later.

    I probably won't kit bash them, since AoS barely gets played among my friends, so I'm far more likely to get a game in if I build them as a 40K army, but such is life.

    Its also a testament to how much this forum loves dwarves of all varieties that so much hype about a 40K thing has taken place here without everyone getting shouted at for not talking about fantasy games from the get go!

    • Like 3
  11. 2 hours ago, EonChao said:

    So that's all the major factions from Rogue Trader present in 40k in some form or other again. What a time to be alive. I get wishing AoS would get more love but honestly they don't seem to have put a foot wrong with 40k this year.

    If ten years ago, you had told me I would one day say the words "I'd better finish painting my genestealer cultists before they release the squats", I would have laughed, or assumed time travel was somehow involved. I mostly got bored with 40K because it was all space marines, and the same old factions getting all the love. Of late I've really gotten back into it though, as they have absolutely diversified the range. There will always be too many space marines, but at least some of the Age of Sigmar style creativity is finding its way back into 40K too.

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  12. Wow, I really hope that is a real teaser. As a fan of all things Dwarvish I definitely need more space dwarves. I have no idea what to make of it being previewed on April Fools day. Hopefully that doesn't mean it was just a joke, but maybe they actually are rereleasing space hulk or something, and so its a trailer for that, with a squat as a joke? Who knows. Either way its pretty epic as animated trailers go!

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  13. As I've said elsewhere, I'm finding the current year's focus on dual army boxes a little frustrating. I genuinely don't mind single hero battletome updates too much, but it annoys me when they are stuck in a box with lots of other stuff you don't necessarily need. I like getting a big pile of models to build as much as the next person, but I can't (or perhaps shouldn't) be doing it every single month. Those big sets seem to be where most of the stuff I'm excited about are being released though, so I need to be careful and choose which I will actually get the most out of.

    I've picked up a few of them over the years, but only when I actively collected both armies, I've never been tempted to start a new army because I got it in a box and couldn't sell it on. But its a personal thing really.

    A few years ago I was actively collecting AoS armies, and so any chance to get a batch of models at a discount and quickly flesh something out was a good deal. I got a lot of the christmas battle boxes over the years. However, nowadays, most of my AoS armies are pretty much where I want them. I might want a few small things here and there, but there is no guarentee that those will be in any given box, and frequently they will come with lots of stuff I already have if they are. I've still been getting a few of the 40K battleforces and start collectings, but as that collection matures, and I start "finishing" my armies, I do see a time when I don't really have a use for big boxes anymore.

    What I'd like to see really is more start collecting sets. I like how Seraphon and cities have various SC sets, which cover different themes of the army. I suspect that will change now that we are getting these new, bigger boxes like 40K has been getting. So far none of those 40K ones have seemed nearly as good a deal for the price point as the old SC boxes did, the increased price just makes them a bit too big to pick up casually, whereas back in the day when I was mostly getting SC boxes, £50 was the perfect price point to feel like I was getting something good, without breaking the bank. It felt like quite a deal compared to the Old WFB battalion boxes, which were more like 70. I got quite a few of those back in the day, for Lizardmen, Tomb Kings, and Dwarfs, and those were great sets that really had the core of your army in them. SC's never had quite so much, but the cheaper price point and the fact they usually had a big monster sold me on them.

    So maybe something more like those, not quite as big or focused as a vanguard box or whatever they're calling them now, more like the old WFB ones where its just your core troops for your army in an easy to get package.

    But then again, as I say, I've probably already got all the core troops for all my armies now, so while that was great back in the day, its not personally as appealing now.

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  14. 32 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

    Except that isn't true, you can still buy fury of the deep and shadow and pain. 

    Even the last 2 40 boxes are readily available. 

    While the boxes won't stay around forever, it seems GW has addressed the availability issues some what. 

    That's good to know. I'd assumed they were still selling out at launch, so its encouraging if that isn't the case. I might be in with a chance to pick one or more of them up later, after saving further! 

    @Arzalyn is right in their interpretation though, the more stuff gets locked in big boxes, the harder it becomes to keep getting them. Even if they stick around for longer. I can justify the expense of a big box every so often, but not one every month, even if I do pick which month I get any given one in.

    I'd put some money aside for Arena of Shades, with the intent of getting it, as I want all the new models, and having more sisters and khinerai would be handy. Now that I know more big things are coming, I'm looking at the contents and wondering whether I really need more of the other ghosts, or the warlocks though. Maybe I will just be patient and wait for them to be available on their own. We'll see what the discounted prices look like. I do quite like the 40K terrain box too, which I wasn't expecting at all, and terrain boxes are generally more useful than troop boxes, as I know I'll use the stuff in multiple game systems.

    Many decisions lie ahead.

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  15. 2 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    Hopefully we have a little AOS streak and Thondia and the Scenery goes up for Pre Order in the next few weeks. 

    I really hope not! I've excited for the narrative book and scenery too, but I would like it to come at least a month after arena of shades so I can actually afford to get both! Their focus on Big Boxes recently comes with a pretty major downside, you can't get them all...

    • Like 1
  16. 2 hours ago, Nuriel said:

    By the way, is there any reliable aggregator site for GW rumors or something?

    I mean technically this very thread! (though reliability may vary). The tourney players keep getting sidetracked into complaining about rules changes and the rest of us are obsessed with Chaos Dwarves, so its maybe not the most accessible rumour aggregator. but all the rumours do eventually get aggregated here.

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  17. 2 hours ago, KingBrodd said:


    Ah the rollercoaster of emotions that is Warhammer!! Was hyped for an Upgrade for half a second there!!

    People pointed out that we'd already seen it on the WarCom facebook post, and the "Rumour Engine Technician" claimed that the picture was a new model, even if that part existed on an existing one too, so actually I'd say that's an upgrade kit confirmed! (and from the horses, or maybe gargants, mouth for once.)

  18. 3 hours ago, Loyal Son of Khemri said:

    I’m allied with you because the skaven helped Alcadizzar avenge LONG LOST NEHEKHARA!!! But the moment I find one of your rats in my tombs you're doomed. All jokes aside, I want the Skaven to get some new models, they’re what happen when Jerry  trains under Master Splinter while taking cocaine and I love it. I really want the clans Skyre and Eshin to get expanded on, especially after CA pimped them out in Total War.

     "Helped" is one way of looking at it. I love the way the Tomb Kings book leaves some mystery around his escape, and then you read the Skaven book and are "oh, so that's what was what was really going on! " that's what made me fall in love with the setting as a whole rather than just my factions! 

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  19. 1 hour ago, Greybeard86 said:

    Domestic 3d printing is still very inefficient from an industrial perspective compared to mass produced plastic, afaik. An important component of why it is even a thing is because mass plastic is sold at way above cost. This means that every person printing home (as opposed to buying mass produced) is effectively a waste. 

    Shops with pro-grade printers are probably a bit better (don’t know the tech well), but still likely producing at fair greater costs than GW. The printing revolution might evolve to more efficient processes, but this is unlikely to happen with domestic printers. There is a reason why we moved from home economies to market economies and it very much applies to miniatures too. 

    All that to say that from an economist’s perspective this is a crazy thing. The equivalent of people knitting their own sweaters (taking far longer than needed) because Zara dominates the market and sets crazy prices. We live in crazy land and GW’s marketing machinery is so powerful than most don’t even notice it.

    I don't disagree, per se. However, its worth noting that quite a lot of people do in fact knit their own clothing for fun and customisability, even if it would perhaps be cheaper to just buy one (and they do that most of the time). 3D printing fits that same niche.

  20. 1 hour ago, PlasticCraic said:

    Can I ask what you see as being the four pillars?

    @EccentricCircle mentioned "rules, models, lore, etc" earlier in the discussion - are you adding @Overread's comment about distribution to those three?

    If so I totally agree - distribution and logistics is a major strength of GW as a business.  I also play MCP (my main game currently) and to a lesser extent Legion, and I can tell you that product availability has had a massive negative impact on their growth even pre-Covid (Legion in particular - MCP was pretty much born into Covid so it's hard to say, but they've certainly had substantially less product availability than GW right through these challenging times).

    Having great control over their supply chain, including manufacturing in-house, is a real asset to GW.  To those I'd probably add a fifth pillar of Install Base, because as has been said time and again, it's just so much easier to plug into a community for GW games, and once you do, your mates keep you there.  Being market leader is self-perpetuating in a relatively small community like ours.  

    I guess the first three influence what you want to play, and the latter two influence what you can play.  In my own case, with the weighting across rules, models and lore, I find that Marvel comes out on top.  But most of my mates play AOS, so I'm still playing that as well 🤷‍♂️

    I'd agree with this model for sure. The technical term for your fifth pillar in the industry is actually "network externalities" which is a measure of connectivity and how easily consumers can engage with the product due to community factors. Definitely worth reading up on if you are interested in how it all works and why GW have such a clear lead!


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  21. Certainly last year was pretty good for AoS over all, the broken realms release cycle was jam packed and it was tricky to keep up. The 40k folks were very concerned that they were falling behind at that time ( or rather bemused, as many of them still seem to not really recognise that AoS has a following at all.)

    To clarify I'm not concerned that AoS is failing or anything like that. All indications are that it's more popular than its ever been before, and substantially more successful than later day wfb. The issue is that however popular aoS may be, 40k is still bigger overall. 

    I thus think they could conclude that their massive reboot of fantasy has been successful at this point, but with resources being strained they no longer need to market it on the same level as their heavy hitter. 

    They may be happy to just keep it going for a while amd then pick up the pace when things are easier or if sales do drop off.

    But who knows really?

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