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Posts posted by Beliman

  1. 2 minutes ago, lele said:

    AOS is so big, hmm.... just i dont see.... do we really have Status effect rule or Elemental Resistance System @@   

    No. There are some abilities that improve or change the result of an attack, but they are just interaction between that ability (that usually  is unique to the warscroll instead of a USR) and keyword or the number of models.

    E.g: Some gas-weapons/flame-attacks need to hit, others auto-hit, others do mortal wounds, etc... it's something that needs a bit of work. Let's hope for 4.0

    • Like 1
  2. On 3/16/2024 at 2:13 PM, Fellman said:

    Test model and arme list

    - Army Faction: Kharadron


    Arkanaut Admiral (150)

      - General

      - Command Traits: Ex-Grundstok

    Aetheric Navigator (110)

    Aether-Khemist (110)


    Arkanaut Company (90)

    Arkanaut Company (90)

    Grundstok Thunderers (340)

    Grundstok Gunhauler (180)


    Arkanaut Frigate (310)

    Arkanaut Frigate (310)


    Endrinriggers (260)

    TOTAL POINTS: 1950/2000

    Nice and thematic, I love it!
    You can go Zilfin, Nar or even Urbaz and use Stormcaller instead of Ex-Grundstock to have diferent play styles. What about the artifacts and The Code? Pretty sure that there is a lot of potential there  to make the list a bit more spicy.

    Btw, love your paint scheme! It remind me about Barak-Zon (Mario!)

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    Fyreslayers BT and ENORMOUSsize release.

    Kharadron Overlords BT and a ENORMOUS-size release.


    Btw, anyone remember that Grungni is still there doing duardin things? I mean, he was the one that helped in the SCE reforging (yes, Sigmar Lied, what do you expect from an umgi god), forged the thunderstrike armour (even metal beards!), slap'd Be'lakor face at the end of Broken Realms and reforged Grombrindal (that's how you reforge!). And we don't even start with Gholemkin, the Kazalid Empire and CHORFS!


    End your Bugman's pint, take your axe and prepare for the AGE OF DUARDINS!

    • Like 4
  4. My turn for early AoS 4.0:

    • Kharadron Overlords.
      • Medical hero (can be attached to units).
      • Arkanaut Captain (cheap admiral with less punch and utility, but can use any ship's maneuver like Admirals)
      • Generic Lord Magnate hero (full customizable kit and rules).
      • Copperhats unit with 2 loadouts: Aether-club and shield and double aether-knuckles.
      • Khrundhal-class Battleship: Giant ship for games of 3k+ points. 
      • Terrain set:
        • Zonbeks: Flying lighthouse (no need to be big) with small aether-weapons.
        • Zunfar tower: Mid-size house with aether-cannons and swivel-guns.
      • Chartered Companies (thematic mini-armies with their own synergies) 
        • Grundcorps units: Grundstock marshal (hero), Black Marines (sprue upgrade for Grundstock thunderes, anti-magic unit).
        • Zonbacorps (pending name): Zonbacorp Sergeant (hero), Weapon-team (heavy drill), Weapon-team (heavy volley-gun), weapon-team (sky cannon), weapon-team (heavy sky-hook).
        • Skyhunters Corps (pending name): Skyhunter Captain (hero), Skyhunter Rangers (skypikes and long-range aether-riffles), Skyhunter Trackers (Skywardens with long-range aether-riffles and traps instead of mines), Skyhunter Balinger (anti-montser small ship).
        • Metalith Miners (pending name): High Prospector (hero), Metalith Miners (unit with bombs and aether-picks, they can destroy terrain), Mole-man (elite unit with aether- exoskeletons and hand-drills), Sky-trawlers (small ship that shoots small-range AoE gas).

    Not sure if it would be enough, but it seems a good start to me.

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  5. 5 hours ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

    I have no idea what i'm going to do with with these Ogres but they're charm is just going to win me over to add them to my CoS crusade. Maybe I'll just say there Ogre Warhulk without the Fuisler Major

    There are a "Badlands Ogre Bulls" in the next O&G Arcane Journal.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Ragest said:

    The reduction of flavour (apart from psychic, that was a disgrace) have been a bless for me. I had tons of minis waiting to be mounted because I cound't decide with wargear to put on them, now I can go full of "rule of cool" without worrying about WYSIWYG.

    My only issue with 10th ed is the reduction of subfactions and customization. WYSIWYG is a choise made by players, but the opportunity to play as NightLords or customize my heroes feels shallow.

    Btw, I don't have any problem with early edition balance. Yep, some factions will be overpowered and some unit will have "that" special rule that will break the game, but we know that with a good design. It can be fixe'd really easy. But to me, AoS has a bigger problem than that. If you want to change the charge-impact bonus of cavalry/chariots, you need to rewrite ALL warscrolls because most of this abilities are completely diferent.

    • Like 2
  7. It's strange that the design for this new edition follows the same design as the 3d edition Core book:

    And it becomes a bit weird when you look at the design style change from second to third edition:


    The whole visual style (edition, colors, etc...) is designed to improve and upgrade some of your product's features that you want to comunicate to your consumers. If Index (aka, break somehow with old rules) are aprt of the deal with the new edition, the most obvious choise is to change enough your design to still be recognizable (branding) but unique and diferent from before.

  8. 9 hours ago, TheDayman said:

    It looks like it's a Jes Goodwin sketch which is as official as warhammer concept art can get (unless it's a well doctored fake, I haven't seen this image before until now)

    Max FitzGerald? Is he the dude behind Turnip28? Btw, awesome game and really fun to play.


    Edit: Yes!! It's the same dude! Awesome btw, I love their Ruination Chamber art and the world behind Turnip28 is just awesome.

  9. 33 minutes ago, Gaball Slaaneshi said:

    But we have always a big mystery...

    What is the "gadget" of the edition ? If we will have one.

    2th it was Endless Spells

    3th Incarnate(s)

    4th ? Cannon for everyone ? 

    Artillery/War Machines could be really good.

    New models for most factions and rules adapted to be used.

  10. To me, it’s not about Setting vs Story. It’s about World Building (aka, Setting) and different narrative arcs for players to jump in.

    At this moment, we have a mix of everything:


    So, when we play games, we are using our own dudes (aka, GHB). Sadly, it’s irrelevant because GHB is not compatible with the Story, and we are going to see Teclis, Nagash and all this characters on the table without any mention on the Lore (aka, Age of Sigmar Narrative). That’s the way AoS is made.

    The Age of Sigmar Narrative uses every conflict, source of power and factions to advance the world (the Realms itself and all the civilizations there). Shysh Nadir, the Necroquake, Spiral Crux, etc... are the direct results of all the narrative arc. But AoS is made as an ongoing story, that means that past events are just made to be remembered, not played (anyone plays with Malign Portents?) and become a part of the background.

    But that doesn't invalidate the opportunity to play with our own dudes. we still have a relevant GHB.

    Another thing to talk about is the quality of the story and how players interact with it: Campaign books vs GHB vs Scale of the setting

    • Like 4
  11. 3 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    We always forget that there's already one "Stormcast turned to Chaos", Eternus.

    I didn't know that Eternus was a SCE dude. I always thought he was just a misunderstood Varanguard that was forged by Be'lakor (after reading the "Reforge for Dummies" - Grungni).

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  12. 8 minutes ago, Asbestress said:

    Same box design for Blacktalons (and probably for the new Darkoath team)

    I woudn't mind to see the Aesling crew (Drekki's crew) as a new Hero-band like Blacktalons and Saviours of Cinderfall.

    Btw, there is an Arkanaut Doctor and the usual Copperhat guild in the last Drekki Flynt nobel...

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  13. 2 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

    An Order faction must have a relationship with Sigmar's Pantheon.

    Maybe I'm wrong, but I think that Nagash and even Gorkamorka were part of the Pantheon at some point in the Age of Myth. If, for whatever reason, Morathy just backstabs (again) Sigmar, it would be not diferent from other Gods that just walked away from him to start their own business in another Grand Alliance. 

    But GW can't do that, it will have a direct impact on the tabletop (losing Mercenaries, Allies and Regiments of Renown). That's why I think this kind of Grand Alliance stuff are just shackles for writters and designers. It doesn't serve as something that players will enjoy appart from being a very artificial way to divide armies in GW e-shop.


    Btw, reading Ghost of Barak-Mhinoz: Shadow-Aelves, Ogros, Orruks and "weird stuff" walking around the City of Barak-Mhornar, even a Mistweaver showed up.

    • Like 1
  14. 41 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    All I know is the lines of some Factions blur their Alliances.

    Remove the entire Grand Alliance. It doesn't have any meaning appart from an arbitrary "they can only ally with...", but that can be done with other mechanics.

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  15. 3 hours ago, ScionOfOssia said:

    I think Katakros was worse- 4 models that disappeared at certain brackets, each one having unique abilities and then Katakros himself, as well as each having different weapons. 

    Agree. The weird thing is that, for whatever reason, I can accept (even if I don't like it) a one-page-warscroll for high-level named characters (katakross being a uber-boss for OBR). 

    But a unit of more than one model, with 6 profiles, one for each model, and some synergies between them feels like a skirmish game (aka, games that play with 5-15 models with a bunch of rules and interactions between them). 

    And it becomes a bit worse when they are not named characters. Grundstock Thunderers with Special Weapons have the same issue since 2017. Of course players can group some special weapon profiles (decksweeper+aerhershot rifles) in the same roll, or use diferent dice, but the problem is still there.

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  16. Croneseer Pariahs seems to be a better an army of renown than the other ones because it seems that the army buffs warlocks and witches, but you can still use scathborne too.  Btw, I'm not a fan of buffing units, I prefer some more subtle buffs or utility for the whole army, but that's another thing.

    Doomfire warlocks can move 12" in the Hero Phase (try to cast spells 12" away), another 12" in the Move Phase, shoot 12" away, and if they are charged, they can retreat 2D6".

    Krethusa has a situational option for a triple move, and her prayer is a coin-flip that can be really powerful with 18" range. But to be honest, this new type of Heroes are a bit meh, they have fancy names and an awesome story, but they are just "1-ability" models. Not sure if I like that...

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