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Ironjawz Warband recommendations


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If you plan on getting any more brutes and having a unit of 10 or 15 then it's better for them to have the jagged gore-hackas for the extra reach, but in skirmish the choppas are probably better in most situations. For the 'Ardboys the maths has been calculated before on the forum and having them carry two single handed weapons -choppa and/or smasha -  is also usually better than the big choppas. Shields have been discussed too, they're probably better in a big unit, but due to the way skirmish works probably aren't as good!

I hope this helps,


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On ‎03‎/‎06‎/‎2017 at 5:12 PM, DakkaDude said:

Hi, the Skirmish rules have me interested in AoS after a long absence from Warhammer.

I picked up the Warband box for Ironjawz. Can someone tell me how I could build each of these units for the Skirmish rules?

Hey @DakkaDude, welcome back to Warhammer! Great to see Skirmish bringing people back in. That is a very positive sign for sure.

The Ironjawz Warband box is great value and contains some awesome miniatures.

You'll definitely want a Brute Boss in your Warband, he's probably one of the best value Destruction models in Skirmish tbh. If you're thinking of eventually using these models in full Age of Sigmar games, then assembling him with the Boss Klaw & Brute Smasha is probably the best choice as it is so good. However, there is an argument in Skirmish that perhaps the Boss Choppa is a better choice. Still, if it was me building afresh, I'd stick with the Klaw & Smasha (plus it looks much cooler I reckon!).

For the other Brutes, I think two Brute Choppas is by far and a way the better option in Skirmish. If you really like the look of the Jagged Gore-hackas you could assemble one that way for variety I guess. However when it comes to playing full Age of Sigmar your unit will need to be equipped the same, so for ease I'd just keep them the same personally. Then when it comes to building a bigger army your next unit can be built with them if you like.

Remember one of the five can have a Gore-choppa. This weapon is great in Age of Sigmar, but is arguably less useful in Skirmish (if you are playing someone with one wound models, it's definitely worse). I would still recommend assembling one though, just to almost future proof your models. Also, like the Klaw & Smasha, it looks awesome and tbh, if you get it stuck into some of the beefier models in Skirmish, especially enemy leaders, you will have a chance to take them down!

The Ardboys are a different prospect as unlike the Brutes, when it comes to Age of Sigmar you can mix and match weapon options within the unit, so you really are free to build as you like. The Ardboy boss is a good buy for 4 Renown due to the boosted hit rolls, you should also consider a Drummer as his charge buff works on all Ardboys within 6", also note that he can be assumed to be equipped with any weapon option as well. The standard bearer options are less useful in Skirmish, but as they can still freely be equipped with any weapon, then there's no real reason not to (adds variety aesthetically as well). In Age of Sigmar the banner tends to be the better choice, however this does nothing in Skirmish. The icon may save you an Ardboy now and again so I'd opt for that.

When it comes to weapon choices, I would go for the Big Choppa or Choppas & Smashas depending on which you like the look of best. The maths weighs favourably vs the Choppas & Smashas in many instances, but aesthetically the Big Choppas look cooler in my opinion.

Hope that is of some help, just remember at the end of the day you can't go wrong with assembling them in the way you think looks coolest. If you're anything like the rest of us here you'll end up with a sizable collection before you know it and will be able to field most available options anyway!!

Please don't hesitate to ask if you think of any other questions. The only stipulation is that you have to show us your Warband once it's finished!

Have fun

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