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Temporarily out of stock?

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So GW recently made the Skirmish friendly and extremely awesome Shyish 4x4 battlemat. Unlucky for me the mat just sold out a few days ago or did it? The thing is that the mats status is 'Temporarily out of stock'. logically and to my earlier experience it should mean that the mat and other products with the same status should return soon right? However it appears that some of those GW product that is temporarily out of stock might not return after all. Like the Dwarf/Skaven pitch for BB that has been Temporarily out of stock since it first sold out shortly after the dwarf team was released. Likewise I do not think that the remotly boring looking free people handgunners and crossbow men, to name a few, will return anytime soon.

As I am very eager to get my hands on this mat I will like to hear from anyone out there who might know anything about the mat or might shead a light on what GW define as temporarily

Btw. I have of course asked them to mail my upon the mats return to stock so no need to suggest that.


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