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Moving away from Gore Pilgrims...


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So like the title says I'm trying to break my habit of auto using gorepilgrims. I feel like it benefits daemon battalions better than mortal ones in my experience and I want to run a very fast and meaty mortal khorne list. So this is what I decided on:


Allegiance: Chaos

Mighty Lord Of Khorne (140)

- General

- Trait: Violent Urgency 

- Artefact: The Blood-forged Armour 

Exalted Deathbringer (80)

- Ruinous Axe & Skullgouger

- Artefact: Mark of the Destroyer 

Bloodsecrator (120)

- Artefact: The Brazen Rune 

Bloodstoker (80)

Bloodsecrator (120)

10 x Blood Warriors (200)

- Goreaxes

- 1x Goreglaives

10 x Blood Warriors (200)

- Goreaxes

- 1x Goreglaives

10 x Blood Warriors (200)

- Goreaxe & Gorefist

- 1x Goreglaives

6 x Mighty Skullcrushers (320)

- Bloodglaives

20 x Bloodreavers (140)

- Reaver Blades

5 x Skullreapers (140)

- Daemonblades

- 1x Soultearers

5 x Skullreapers (140)

- Daemonblades

- 1x Soultearers

Slaughterborn (80)

The Goretide (40)


Total: 2000/2000


I figure the bloodwarriors will be a huge meaty wall that will shred anything it touches, with the large unit of blood reavers helping to deliver them.


I may also split the reavers unit to do objective duty. But yeah this list I feel has enough speed, and gives the 2 bloodsecrators the ability to leapfrog down the field in the hero phase. This will give the bloodsecrators extra reach that should offset what was lost by not taking gore pilgrims.


What do you guys think? Think this seems competitive at all? Or are we really tied to gorepilgrims in every list?


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8 hours ago, patsfan32 said:


So like the title says I'm trying to break my habit of auto using gorepilgrims. I feel like it benefits daemon battalions better than mortal ones in my experience and I want to run a very fast and meaty mortal khorne list. So this is what I decided on:


What do you guys think? Think this seems competitive at all? Or are we really tied to gorepilgrims in every list?

Seems like a great list to me, for the record I quoted one part because it's rediculous to think we'd be tied to Gore Pilgrims. Don't know who ever made such a claim but cannot dissagree more with it. The Gore Pilgrims Battalion is awesome but really there if you like Slaughterpriests and Slaughterpriests have the habit to die from any form of ranged attack, frankly speaking Rend isn't even required, only that it has a good range.

To go deeper into your list, as said, looks good to me. There are some things to consider from my perspective:
- Your currently using 5 Heroes and have a slot left for potentially a second Bloodstoker. I think that this is a more competative route to go. As you will be capable to send in two units for charge by turn 2.
- Skullcrushers with Brass Stampede are really cool. Without it for this list (by large because they do not gain anything from the Slaughterborn battalion) I would skip them. Their movement is an obvious nice addition but amping up your body count will not only improve the effect of the two Bloodsecrators but also give another reason to run another Bloodstoker.
- Maxing up on Skullreaper units to me is more benificial from the Slaughterborn perspective. By large because the Mighty Lord of Khorne can have quite the footprint and The Goretide will allow him to move up.

The prime thing in my eyes to consider is to up the count of Skullreapers, increase the manouvrability of your forces with an additional Bloodstoker and consider the Talisman of Burning Blood for your Exalted Deathbringer.
To me The Goretide's backbone does not come from it's characters but instead from it's units, when you provide them with enough synergy you will be capable of having the force in there by turn 2 and ideally that's enough. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah first time I saw the goretide it looked the clear best choice for improving a khorne weakness of speed. Hence i think it's my go-to choice when I finish making the models. 

Im curiose about the mighty lord. Is he any good? I kinda prefer the jugger lord on first look. 

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Well the Mighty Lord of Khorne becomes an absolute maniac with The Goretide, piling in 6", re-rolling all hits if you want to, slap on Mark of the Destroyer and whatever Command Trait you fancy (doesn't need to be Slaughterborn ;) ) and he becomes a beast, a model easily too good for 140 points.

As per other topics, I don't think you'll miss Gore Pilgrims at all and I do not think it's an auto include ever. It really depends on what you like to run with. 


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