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And the inevitable happened...

The Traitor

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... so I finally felt for AoS.

I must admit that I didn't like it at all when it first came out, my glorious dwarves were turned into crying dispossessed, my righteous lizerdmen were transformed into frog-dreamed seraphon and my chaos warriors where now a bunch of pitiful god-slaves. Additionally the simplicity of the rules didn't appeal to me, there seemed to be too many wrong things about the game to keep me interested, so I shifted all of my strengths to 40k.

However, when the General's Handbook was released I looked at AoS for a second time... Points! I saw... Clarified rules!... Even a cool looking campaign system! So I decided to get a couple of games with my "duardin". And, even though it was fun, I sadly saw that they where not my army. Being restricted to three cannons and my range severely reduced the gunline I had enjoyed playing so much before had became a pale shadow of what it should be, a bunch of shielded short men who struggled to get a clear line of sight to the enemy and where easily outmanoeuvred. But I saw that the problem wasn't the game, but the army I had, so I decided to start a new, fresh one which would, by the way, look a bit better than my old dwarves which I had painted several years ago. 

So my quest for a new army started, and I slowly got in love with quite a lot of ideas, but decided to go for a small Nighthaunt army at the end to see how it went. However at the same time my 40k/ 30k side called, and the call was stronger, so I started a lost legion project, the Harvesters of Souls, followers of Malal, the Renegade god, and AoS got back on hold. 

But then, one day, something marvellous appeared at the Warhammer Community site, pics of a brand new army, the Kharadron Overlods. And even though the name was a bit weird, the models were plain amazing, I saw the glory of the dwarves reborn, now in flying ships and wielding even more oversized weapons! So my mind was set to work and I decided that I would do a Viking-themed KO army, the ships being the drakkars and naming my heroes with the names of famous Vikings, Norse gods and characters from the Vikings series :P. 

And some weeks of impatient waiting later here they are, with the rules mostly leaked and the fluff uraveled, and I may like them even more than before. So I will be making an army, which I'll surely post about, and just wanted to say hi, I discovered this forum while searching info about the KO and decided to make an account, posting on forums has got me quite motivated with my 40k armies!

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