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When painting by glazing, how much do you vary the base colour?

Nin Win

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So with glazing you build up colour slowly in multiple layers effectively modifying your base coat.  This means that you can get very different results by having different models or different parts of a model start at a different colour.  If you want an example, think of putting some Agrax Earthshade on some Zandri Dust and then the same shade on some Rakarth Flesh.  Same shade produces different colours on different base colours.

So nurgle.

Plague bearers all with slightly different base colours?  Or all the same?

What about those bases of nurglings?

What would you do and why?

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Interesting question,

I would mix them up to give a bit of variety,

Rakarth Flesh glazed with Reikland fleshshade you can substitute this for any other shade/glaze to add variety.

Corax white glazed with Anthonian camoshade/biel tan green again swap around for variety.

Add druchii violet around the skin tears and sores etc etc.

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