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Theorycrafting/Strategy forum section


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Forgive my ignorance, but is there a section on this forum (or potentially other forums?) that is focused on theorycrafting different strategies/tactics, tricks, and whatnot? This does include the odd attempt at "trying to break the game" - but for the purpose of spotting it, not neccessarily playing it. Nobody likes broken games, but I digress! 

The rule section does not support this, as that is more of a place where one asks about rules, as opposed to "Do you guys think it'd be smart if I put dwarves in front of my elves?" type of things. 


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40 minutes ago, Tzaangor Management said:

These tend to be in the Grand Alliance specific forums, usually under the "Competitive X" threads. It does mean that they're often faction specific, but I have seen a few mixed mixed topics and there's nothing to stop you starting one of it doesn't exist.

Gotcha. I do find the idea of a mixed faction topic better for the purpose of pure strategy/cheesethoughts/numbercrunching/tricks, as that tends to be more of an exploration of underlying principles that could be applied to any number of different armies, and not just one specific faction. It's also better for sharing the viable ideas that come of it with the community as a large, as opposed to dying a slow death, hidden in a sub-forum somewhere.

Perhaps it'd be best suited as a blog type of thing then (at the risk of going under-the-radar) - or maybe it's simply something that would have been added under a "Competitive" forum section, which doesn't exist currently. 

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