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Swifthawk Agents and Guardians of the Dawnspire battalion




Is it possible to create a "pure" force of Swifthawk Agents and include the warscroll battalion "Guardians of the Dawnspire". As the Archmage and the Swordmasters get the keyword Swifthawk Agents, I would assume yes, but Azyr does not seem to allow it as a viable option. You can choose the battalion, but not the Archmage and the Swordsmasters. 



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6 answers to this question

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3 hours ago, Atomicaphex said:

But not in Azyr...



The warscroll itself could only be more clear if it physically manifested a spectral form and hand wrote the keyword on the other scrolls.

And if that doesn't convince you...


...the FAQ explicitly states that any models in the batallion would gain the keyword at the top of the batallion...


...which is clearly Swifthawk Agents.

On a side note, as a 15 year GW player, let me tell you that bizarre oversights are common and a blip in Azyr is not something to fuss over.

The biggest flub I've ever seen was an older Space Marine Codex (the 4th edition one, I think that had the rules for Terminator Armour in the items section (2+ Save and 5+ Invulnerable), but the army list entry for Terminators themselves listed them as having a 2+ save and did not explicitly state in there entry that they were equipped with Terminator Armour.  I don't think there was a player on the planet would would have tried to argue that because it wasn't explicitly listed on the list entry, Terminators didn't get all the benefits of Terminator Armour.  And that was in the Codex!  So don't let an app hiccup worry you.

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