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Getting New Players Into the Game

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Hi guys, I am looking for some advice, and this seems like the best place for AoS on the webs...

Quick background, I have been in the hobby for going 20 years, but I just moved to a new are (Washington D.C. Area, USA) and there doesn't really seem to be a lot of gaming near me that isn't historical. Over the past 8 years or so, I was heavily invested in Warmachine and old WHFB, but now I am really trying to get into AoS. I have some co-workers that might be interested, but I obviously need to do some demo games with them.  

I have the starterbox, but I am here for some tips on demoing AoS to completely fresh, never played a table top war game in their life. Should I direct them to some youtube videos first, or should I just dive right in.  Also, what is the best scenario to use for demoing the starter, or should i just have them run at each other?  Any advice would be appreciated. 

TL:DR: What's the best way to demo to brand new wargamers. 


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