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Skaven - how many plague monks and where to go?


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Yes, another "what should I do?" post, sorry, but I need some help :ph34r:

I have a lot of Skaven from many years ago, but have never played them in AoS. I have:

  • Around 220 clanrats and slaves.
  • 40 Plague monks
  • 20 Stormvermin
  • Mix of heroes
  • 3 Rat ogres and handlers
  • Jezzail teams, warp-fire throwers, etc.. a few of each.
  • Old Screaming bell (the new model is so much better I kind of don't count this)
  • About a dozen plague censer bearers
  • A few odd pieces, like assassins, warlocks, giant rats, rat swarms, etc.. I haven't listed them all out yet.

My questions:

  1. How many Plague Monks would I likely want to field? I'm asking because I'd like to get the SC Pestilens box for the value, but if I'm not needing more monks it's not really such a value.
  2. Where could I go from here? When I played the Skaven (WFB 7th ed) I think they were a lot different from what they are now, at least from just reading the scrolls. Synergies exist now that didn't before, so I'm a bit overwhelmed at the options.

I know it's a bit of an open ended question, but I'm just looking for any thoughts and advice from experienced Skaven warlords in AoS. What's fun, what's cool, etc. I think I want a Verminlord, because they definitely look cool. I really used to love the Rat Ogres but  they don't seem too good for their cost now. 


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you can maybe try the verminus clawpack. It's one skaven warlord, It's 3 units of clanrat, one of stormvermin and 3 weapon team. I give you 3 bonus :


- your warlord can use his command ability even if he is not your general, and affect everyone 13 " around him instead of one unit. His command ability give one more attack with each weapon for your units. So, basically, your clanrats make 2 attack each instead of one, and your stormvermin make 3 attacks each.

- you add 2 to your bravery per 10 models instead of 1. It mean that in large pack (30 for example), your skaven have a high bravery, meaning they won't run away THAT easily.

- your weapon can allocate on a 4+ any wound they suffer to nearby clanrat. It make your weapon team harder to snipe off


The funny thing with this clawpack is that your skaven warlord command ability can be used even if he is not your general. So you can take another general and use his command ability. The warbringer verminlord make all the units 13  " around him reroll 1 to hit and to wound, making all your units inside the command area of the warlord and the verminlord really efficient. Or tretch cavetail, who give -1 rend to the weapon of a unit.


You can easily make your cheap and humble 20 stormvermin making 61 attacks with 3+/3+/-1/1 with reroll 1 to hit and to wound for example. And, with the spell of the verminlord warbringer, attack a second time if someone kill them. A large pack of those guys will usually destroy everything in close combat.


The main weakness is that it's a horde army with low save and few ranged attack, who will have big troubles against some armies.

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