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First time FEC 2k lists


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Long time 40k player, took some years off and don't really like where the game is at now.  Haven't played fantasy since 5th edition, but I decided to get back into gaming and now that AOS seems to have made itself a lot more enjoyable since it's initial release I've decided to give it a go! 

FEC had me drawn since the beginning.  Just something about how crazy they are and that at their core they really think they are valiant heroes has me hooked.  And to be honest even when I played 40k I never did a per say 'evil' faction so this is my first trip down the dark side of the warhammer world.

Enough Gab, these are the two 2k lists I've decided to work towards.  They are both very similar with only a couple changes.

List 1

Abhorrent Ghoul King on Zombie Dragon - 400 (artefact, cloak of mists and shadows)

Varghulf Courtier - 160 (artefact, cursed book)

Crypt Haunter Courtier - 120 ( general, ruler of the night) (Abattior)

Crypt Ghast Courtier - 80

6x Crypt Horrors - 280 ( Abattior) ( Battline)

6x Crypt Horrors - 280 (Abattior) (Battleline)

30x Crypt Ghouls - 300 (Abattior) (Battline)

Terrorgheist- 320

Warscroll, Abattior - 60

Total - 2000

I like the idea of having at least 5 elements to an army, help cover the field and grab objectives.  Gkozd is a beat stick, and uses his command ability to summon the Varghulf behind enemy lines as a semi deep strike style unit.  The Crypt Horrors and Ghouls with thier accompanying courtiers are there to clog the field and go after objectives.  And the terrorgheist is the other beat stick keeping units off my objective grabbers.

List 2

Ghoul King on Terrorgheist - 400 (artefact, ring of immortality)

Varghulf Courtier - 160 ( artefact, cursed book)

Crypt Haunter Courtier - 120 ( general, ruler of the night) (Abattior)

Crypt Ghast Courtier - 80

6x Crypt Horrors - 280 (Abattior) (Battleine)

6x Crypt Horrors - 280 (Abattior) (Battleine)

30x Crypt Ghouls - (Abattior) (Battleine)

6x Crypt Flayers - 320

Warscroll, Abattior - 60

Total - 2000

Almost the same list, accept instead of terrorgheist I add the six Flayers, and have the Varghulf not deepstrike and stay with the Flayers to help them regenerate.  Without needing the summoning, I switch to the gkotg which I feel has a better profile.

I use Abattior for both lists, simply because in my eyes on one the biggest lacks FEC has is mortal wounds.  So anybody around my objective grabbers has the chance of some mortal damage.

As stated first time player.  So far I'm going off of the generals handbook, my FEC battletome, and I've bought 1 start collecting FEC box.  Haven't even played a game yet.  I know the best thing to do is to play games and see what works against different oppents and different armies, but I'm just looking for some advice from you guys who have been playing for a while!  All criticism/advice/thoughts are welcome!


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Alot of people have told me the same but I must admit I've never really had a problem of lack of rending, then again I do run a half and half high damage output/swarm army. So there are ALOT of shenanigans going on :o Personally I like to run the Attendant's At Court Battalion with the Death Book Ghoul King on Foot, the command ability of +1 to hit and wound is NASTY specially if you fit a zombie dragon ghoul king in with him for re-rolling to hit and wounding Crypt Horrors. hitting and wounding on 2+ Then you've REALLY got some shenanigans going there :D

But I do love the looks of this army, I need to find more people in my area who play AoS :( not that many around me.

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It's ok to thin about artifacts duing the list creation, but rememebr that you can choose them (as the geneal's ability) before the game, only the general itself has to be declared.  So don't be so strict on yourself^^


Anyway forget immediately about the ring of immoratality. You don't have reserve points. Moreover even if you have them rememeber that cause a FAQ now you can use the ring only if you can use enough reserve points to pay again for the model. So, as the lists you posted are now...it's not avalaible for you.

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