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help mixed chaos force matched play legal


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right then, time to get this sorted

basically, it's the old 8th ed WoC netlist, but my concept was mounted/norscan raiders on wolves. now it's 4 different factions and 0 battleline. i then got gifted scyla and a warshrine so could use those, and my immediate thought is to mark everything khorne, add some bloodletters and a couple of heroes?

what would you do to make it legal and bring it up to 2000 points?  cheers!

Allegiance: Chaos

Daemon Prince (160)
- Mount: Flying
- Axe
Scyla Anfingrimm (100)
Chaos Lord On Daemonic Mount (140)

3 x Mighty Skullcrushers (160)
- Axes
- Khorne Mortal Battleline
5 x Chaos Marauder Horsemen (100)
- Flails & Shield
- Slaves to Darkness Battleline
5 x Chaos Marauder Horsemen (100)
- Flails & Shield
- Slaves to Darkness Battleline

10 x Chaos Warhounds (80)
1 x Chaos Chariots (80)
- Greatblades
- Mark of Chaos: None
1 x Chaos Chariots (80)
- Greatblades
- Mark of Chaos: None
1 x Chaos Chariots (80)
- Greatblades
- Mark of Chaos: None
1 x Chaos Warshrine (200)
- Mark of Chaos: None

Chimera (240)

Total: 1520/2000


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First off you have no legal battleline. Marauder horsemen and skullcrushers don't count because you have units from outside their factions. 

If you don't want to drop anything from this list, you can just as some battleline units, 10 Chaos warriors and 2 X 20 Marauders will fill out your battleline and still leave you with enough points left over to add either another chariot or more warhounds. 

If you want to maximise the effectiveness of this list, throw the mark of khorne on everything that can have it. Your Warshrine buffs are more effective that way. 

If you don't want to go Khorne, drop Scylla and choose a different Mark. You'd have enough points to add a sorcerer lord then. Also, bear in mind that Scylla was used in 8th ed to have a stompy LD 10 general running around on the field. 

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Cheapest ways (IMHO) to get battleline for your army:

- 1 box and 2 sprues of Frostgrave Barbarians (as 3x10 Marauders). Probably want to buy some shields bits for these for a straight up +1 to save.

- AOS Starter set Bloodbound, either Bloodreavers or Blood Warriors. EBay is a massive dumping ground for cheap on-sprues of these. Can be greatly enhanced by a Bloodsecrator, which are also very cheap and common on EBay.

-Two boxes of 16 Chaos Warriors (as 3x10 and a couple of spares)

Or a combo of warriors and marauders, as Bloodbeast has noted.

You could go the Bloodletters route, but these are much better in units of 30 (with Bloodsecrator again).

Look, just get a Bloodsecrator anyway. Get 2.

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