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Feedback: Trying to Build a Middle of the Road 2000 Point List


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Hello, I'm trying to build a middle of the road list in terms of strength for more casual play at my FLGS. I have my competitive style list in mind but it isn't appropriate to play that in every game. My goal is to have some strong elements while not being too crushing, but also not just rolling over for people since that's pretty boring to play against. Here's what I've whipped up so far:

Frostlord on Stonehorn

Frostlord on Stonehorn w/ Battle Brew

Savage Orruk Big Boss

10x Savage Orruk Boar Boyz w/ Spears

40x Savage Orruk Boyz w/ Spears (General w/ Bellowing Tyrant)

20x Moonclan Grots w/ Spears

20x Moonclan Grots w/ Spears

1x Fanatic

2x Fanatic

The Stonehorns are the killy elements of the army and probably the most competitive portion of it. I've opted for a big block of Combat Orruks instead of Arrowboys to give the list a more melee feel, also the Orruks are pretty cool in large blocks. I put the General in there to make sure they can do some hitting, Rampager may be better but I like the +To Hit. I have the Grots to deliver my combat units and hold some Objectives and the Boars are my flankers/Hero hunters who can also make some good Scenario plays if my opponent gets cheeky.


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