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Disciples of Tzeentch Painting Idea Spitballing


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So I have an idea in my head for a paint scheme for my new DoT army. I usually go off the wall with my paint schemes, and tend not to do the normal stuff. At the core of it, it is pretty much an inverted scheme.

So first of all, I would take the standard fire effects of yellow->orange->red, and make them purple->blue->green, for a more magical look. This would include the Brimestone Horrors themselves.

Next I would take the thinks that are normally blue in a Tzeentch force (since blue is now present in the fire effects), and make them primarily reds and yellows. This would have the biggest impact on the Blue Horrors and Lord of Change. The later I have in my mind almost resembling a bipedal phoenix.

My biggest concern however is that the force would look too Khorne. In fact a friend in my gaming group said that exact thing when I proposed my paint scheme there. Consensus seems to be that when it comes to Chaos, red, purple, blue, and green are all pretty iconic with specific gods and those gods don't look good outside those colors.

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I would say go for it. You could aim to make you red more of a pink, different enough to not match the purple in the flame. Pinky red and yellow will give off definite Tzeentch vibes. I wouldn't worry, the models for Tzeentch are so different you can't look at them and think Khorne.

Personally I am thinking of giving the Tzaangors and daemons grey skin, blending into pink, purple, yellow or blue on mutantey bits, like the tentacles of the tzaangors heads and feathers. And the armour is Dark Eldar-ey green. Going to put them on snow bases so they can't be too bright or it'll clash. Really need to test model it though.

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