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Looking for ideas for a 1.5k Ironjawz

Cthulhus Lawyer

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Hey guys, 

Ive been running some demos for the local club and the 1.5k point scene on  4x4 tables  has started to become the new way to play. SO im asking for more eyes on my list, to critic it, to break it down , to give me some ideas . On my local scene the armor values are high so i kinda tailored it to have rend all over the map and i am not a fan of the Shaman cost so i roll with no magic ...

Allegiance: Destruction

Orruk Megaboss (140)
- General
- Trait: Ravager
- Artefact: Battle Brew
Orruk Warchanter (80)
Orruk Megaboss (140)
- Artefact: Battle Brew

10 x Orruk Brutes (360)
- Ironjawz Battleline
20 x Orruk Ardboys (360)
- Ironjawz Battleline
10 x Orruk Brutes (360)
- Ironjawz Battleline


Ironfist (60)

Total: 1500/2000

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I would split at least one of the Brute units into 2x5. Units of 10 are just so susceptible to Battleshock. I would also consider splitting the Ardboyz into two units - that gives you five units for the Ironfist. Finally, I would probably swap 5 Brutes for 3 Gore-gruntas, and get Bellowing Tyrant instead of Ravager on your general and keep him close to the large squad of Brutes at all times. You would end up with something like this:

General, Bellowing Tyrant, Battle Brew



10 Brutes

5 Brutes

10 Ardboyz

10 Ardboyz

5 Gore-gruntas

Ironfist Battalion

You then have five units that are all part of the formation. Your army is already fast with the Ironfist, so Bellowing Tyrant will be a good complement and give you some added punch. Always keep your General with the large Brute unit - you get +1 to hit from Bellowing Tyrant, reroll hit rolls of 1, and can decide between Inspiring Presence and Waaaagh! each turn. I would go for IP most of the time, but you also have a lot of units there to get the Waaagh! off. The Gore-gruntas will offer you a lot of flexibility, both for objective play and for acting as a tar pit and blocking your enemy's key units. In general, having five units instead of three increases your flexibility and tactical options by a lot.

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