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Can Chaos followers change their alignment?


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Does anyone know if this is possible or have an example either way?

The reason I ask is that my Slaves to Darkness, with monsters (I started this army and Warhammer for the monsters, so sticking to it), mutants (forsaken and spawn) and a chaos lord converted from the WD saughterpriest. The idea is that the army is nomadic and wanders the mortal realms looking for spells and/or power to make themselves stronger (usually by mutation) and winning glory whenever we find a fight. We get from realm to realm through the Realm of Tzeentch, which mutates us more (the mutalith used to be a pack animal) and is facilitated by the previous general (now a daemon prince, I still have the  model, but use it with my daemons mostly); when a daemon has a reason to have them somewhere (just go with it, gets us to more places) often the Blue Scribes, seeing as we are always looking for spells.

The idea is that recruits come from the khornate tribes and warriors that are impressed by magic or would have followed Tzeentch if they knew chaos other than Khorne. Reason being my current general (converted slaughterpriest) and that my most regular opponents play Khorne (changing colours must annoy them).

I could have it that recruit are sent by the new cults, warriors which were undivided till they ran into my army and the general came from a Gorechosen situation, but happened not to get marked.

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In old lore, if i remember right.

once their souls were submitted to a chaos God that was it. The glottkins father gave their souls away before birth, not only gods can "accept" souls, belakor was also doing it i belive. 

Once a pact was done, you kept to it as the wrath of the god you made the deal with isn't something you wanted.

In current lore, archaon requires all varanguard to throw away any previous allegiances and devote themselves to him entirely, they do so out of fear of him.

many normal warriors follow him exclusively anyway, or are undivided accepting gifts off gods/Daemonic entities without devoting themselves to them.


This is off the top of my head so may be wrong in parts


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In the End Times: Glottkin there was a whole tribe who started out as Khorne followers and found themselves shifting to Nurgle by the end of the campaign. their name was original something blood related (shocker) then they renamed themselves the Clotted. 

one of my favourite little touches in that book, along with the Forsaken/spawn who got their minds back and called themselves the Knights Entropic. 

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