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Substitute Tzeentch for Starter Set


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If you were to substitute Disciples of Tzeentch for the Khorne Bloodbound that is featured in the current AoS starter set against Stormcast, what would you use and why?

Keep in mind it would still be intended as a balanced intro/learning point to AoS, not beat face hyper competitive tournament preparation.

Just a reminder of what the stormcast portion consists of:

One Lord-Celestant
One Lord-Relictor
Three Retributors
Two units of five Liberators
Three Prosecutors

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Allegiance: Chaos

Tzaangor Shaman (120)
Magister (120)

10 x Kairic Acolytes (140)
10 x Tzaangors (180)

3 x Tzaangor Skyfires (160)

Total: 720


somthing like this springs to mind. Pretty similar to the Stormcast and gives you something to do in every phase of the game. 

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I guess if you were going for thematic equivalence with the Bloodbound starter set stuff rather than just points balance, you'd want to stick to roughly the same number of characters, troops and monsters. And stick with mortals only. Maybe something like this:


Gaunt Summoner



Tzaangors x5 / Skyfires x3

Kairic Acoloytes x20

Chaos Spawn


No idea how that would fare against the Stormcast though.

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