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Nurglings vs Arkhan the Black. What happend?



So this happend a little month ago and I am still not sure if we did it right. Any help wil be appreciated. Thanks.

Due to the Nurglings ability disease ridden demise, Arkhan suffered two wounds by the end of the combat phase which was enough to kill him (not a good day for Arkhan). However Arkhans ability Feaster of Souls allows him to heal two wounds also by the end of combat. So what happend?

A: The two abilites in this case will negate each other.

B: One ability activates before the other. Either killing Arkhan before he gets to heal? or healing him(then he would have 4 wounds left) and then suffering the two wounds from the Nurgling (bringing him back to two).


If the answer is A (the most obvious), then what had happened if the disease ridden demise had inflicted three wounds on Arkhan thus bringing him to -1 wound then immediately recovering two wounds?


A seem most likely to be correct however most games have some kind of more or less official priority list when powers/abilities activate at the same time. I guess my question really is whether or not AOS has that? And also if it is possible to go below 0 wounds?

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FAQ or hints'n'tips: in the situation of multiple abilities triggering simultaneously, the player whose turn it is triggers their abilities first.
So if the Nurglings ability goes first and reduces Arkhan to 0 wounds (there's no concept of negative wounds - as soon as you hit zero, you're done), he's slain. He's no longer on the board so he can't resolve his ability.

Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk

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