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1500 FEC v stormcast


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Hi guys 

Since my model count has been rising in the UK (I caved and bought more minis) I've been able to play some games.

I've got a game against stormcast coming up. It will be at the 1500 point level. I believe my opponent has a large selection of minis ( I know he's got a stardrake and the celestant prime amongst other foot soldiers and dracoths). 

I'm thinking of taking the following list. Bear in mind that I'm limited by my current models ( ZD, TG, 60 Ghouls, 6 crypt horrors and a necro). 

Army list:


Abhorrent ghoul King on ZD

cursed book

ruler of the night

Abhorrent ghoul King on TG

cursed book

Crypt Ghast courtier 


30 ghouls

10 ghouls

10 ghouls


Ghoul patrol

Total: 1480 points


Please let me know what you think of the list. The goal is to use the large block of ghouls and the two beasts as my hammers. Whichever target looks likely to get hit will recieve the defensive buff (unholy vitality) from the TG. If I can get rerolls to wound off I feel that I can cause a large amount of pain through sheer volume of attacks on the ghouls.

Any feedback would be great!

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