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Nighthaunt themed death


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Hi guys, 

Starting a the game with a Death army in a local slow grow league. 


Im going Nighthaunt for the first part and will expand out from there so thinking ahead. I'd like to keep the ghost painting theme so looking for alts of skeletones I can use much like the Army of the Dead (as I cant seem to get those any more) 


Was thinking empire state troops but they seem a little poor for this. I have been looking at fireforge Teutonics but they may be too small, though I bet they'd work very well. 


Any advice appreciated :)


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Well that happens to be exactly what my army is so i can send you some pictures of what ive done.


I didnt want the army to be boring so i havent just painted a blank ghost color (White and niklach oxide) for the whole army instead ive tried to incorporate various blues and greens to give my whole army a ghostly look.


The only parts of my army that arent ghosts are the "Summoners" of the ghosts so my necromancer, Arkhan, Nagash etc.

Ill uploads some pics of the different models ive done so far

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No Worries! please show me some of yours when your done im dying for new ideas.

Thanks alot. Its not an original idea the ghost theme but all the versions ive seen so far are bland and samey. Hopefully this version will turn a few more heads!

Have actually held off buying to many actual nighthaunt models in case of a new release in the future. But this army is actually fairly decent in battle as well.

I set it up in different configurations but here is a full model count so far.

- Nagash

- Arkhan

- Mortis Engine

- Wight King

- Necromancer

- x4 Cairn Wraiths

- Banshee

- x10 Hexwraiths

-x6 spirit hosts

- x5 black knights

- x5 Abyssal Wights (My own custom model that use as nighthaunt blood dragon proxy thats the prototype pic of it above)

-x60 Skeletons (Spears)

- 3 Morghasts (Unassembled)

- x20 Grave guard (Unpainted but will look similar to the black knight)


Have you considered some of the Lord of the rings range?? Ring wraiths and ghost warriors?? Same scale and designers and as a bonus you wont get funny looks from the GW shop owner if you play using them.


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well it depends greatly on the game but . . . . .

id say no less than 30. It depends what other units you plan on using.

If your not going for pure horde the 30 is plenty followed by all your other units (Spirit hosts hexwraiths etc)

Id field them in no less than 20 but if you want lots then multiples of 30 work well.

Mainly just because of the mass infantry abilities they have (The threshold of which is 30)

As far as im aware most people go for spears beacuse of the range.

And make a wight king and necromancer follow them about and they become pretty damn dangerous.

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