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Naming your models!


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The leader of my flesh-eaters warband is named Lord Bloodshanks Meatfeaster, Witchsmeller Accusant, Itinerant Arbiter of the Unliving God. I'm hoping he'll accrue more names and titles over the course of his campaign.

Lord Bloodshanks is ably assisted by Sir Gorebury Giblingmaw and his men-at-arms; Cannibaud, Chitterling and Stabbelard. Finally there's the court jester, Michoux the Mirthless.

EDIT: Totally forgot about Friar Lardgobbler.

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I have a pair of Oldbloods, named Tarlik and Takrell, and I have yet to come up with lore. What I have so far is that Tarlik is a veteran of many battles and is a seasoned tactician, and Takrell is a berserker who wins mainly by brute force. IMG_0204.JPG.1023db0ef19be8d410733c9ad0eff3d1.JPG

Both aren't fully painted, and Takrell's shield arm isn't attached yet. Tarlik has the warblade, and Takrell has the greatblade.

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