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Seeking Seraphon advice for CASUAL play


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So I'm just getting into Seraphon after getting a bunch from my family for Christmas. I'm curious what I should look to pick up in coming months -- after all, my birthday is a scant 2 1/2 months away. Most importantly, I'm not looking to enter competitive tournaments (at least, none are on my calendar at this point), so it's for games amongst friends. We typically play using Matched Play rules but it's all in good fun.

Currently I have the following, having started with the Start Collecting! box a few months ago:

1x Saurus Oldblood (on foot)
1x Troglodon
12x Saurus Warriors (with spears)
8x Saurus Knights (with spears)
1x Stegadon (building it with the bow)
1x Bastiladon (building it with the Solar Engine)
15x Saurus Guard (picking them up tonight; not sure if I should run it as 10x and 5x or as three 5x units)

I plan (hope?) to get another Start Collecting! box so that I can convert the 16th Knight into a Scar-Veteran on Cold One and build an Old Blood on Carnosaur, but I'm looking for other recommendations. As of now I'm very hero-light, which I'm sure will give me all sorts of difficulty with some of the battle plans (as it is, tonight I'm proxying my most leader-like Knight as the Scar-Vet so that I'll at least have 2 heroes!).

Beyond that, I'm thinking about a Slann Starmaster (since I've only played Stormcast before, I'd like to do some summoning), Kroxigor (I like the idea of fast-moving hard-hitting crocodiles), and the Warhammer Quest Arcane Heroes (which will boost my Stormcast and Seraphon and give me more options for playing the Silver Tower).



Does anybody have advice for:

1. Army shopping -- what units would be fun to buy for the army?
2. List building -- what sort of synergies are worth shooting for?
3. Gameplay -- having not really used the Seraphon yet (outside of a bunch of games slipping Ivan Trogo into my Stormcast army), I'm not really sure how to play them...

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