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Grey Seer and Renown


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An odd situation came up when I was playing Silver Tower today with the Grey Seer. He gets D6 Renown if the Hero Dice total 13, he also has an ability to re-roll any of the Hero Dice when they are rolled, however if one of them is a 1 he immediately suffers a wound. I rolled my Hero Dice and got a 14, I decided to re-roll the a dice with a 2 to try and get a 1 for the Renown, I managed to roll a 1 thus giving me the total of 13, but also meaning that I suffered a wound so 1 dice would be taken from the pool, this would then mean the total was not 13. What is supposed to happen in this situation? We played it as I got the renown (I rolled a 1, typical) and then took a wound. Re-reading it now, I think we played it wrongly and I should have taken the wound then used the total after as the result for the renown, but there are many ways to read this. This is the exact wording of the rules:

Warpstone Token: After making an action roll to generate a Grey Seer’s hero dice, you can choose to re-roll one of the dice. If you do so and roll a 1, the Grey Seer immediately suffers a wound.

 Renown: If the total you roll on your hero dice is 13, gain D6 renown.

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