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Squigs! Attack of the Killer Tomatos


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So the release of the squigs in Total Warhammer got me thinking about squigs in AoS.  I don't actually play Moonclan, but I have a friend who does (I swear he does!  I'm not trying to hide my shame at playing Moonclan.  I really do have a friend who plays them!)...and I'm painting them up for him.  Right now he has:

1 Mangler Squig

14 Squig Hoppers

8 Cave Squigs with 4 Handlers

Moonclan Boss on Great Cave Squig

So I have a couple of questions.  First, has anyone every tried a list with mainly squig units?  Was it effective at all or mostly an exercise in (awesome) madness?  Second, Are there any other destruction units that combo well with the squiggly beasts?  Last, I know that the Colossal Squig looks pretty good....but what the heck is with the Squig Gobba?  Is it really that intensely, blazingly, unbelievably terrible?!     

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On 19/10/2016 at 0:02 PM, Kamose said:

So the release of the squigs in Total Warhammer got me thinking about squigs in AoS.  I don't actually play Moonclan, but I have a friend who does (I swear he does!  I'm not trying to hide my shame at playing Moonclan.  I really do have a friend who plays them!)...and I'm painting them up for him.  Right now he has:

1 Mangler Squig

14 Squig Hoppers

8 Cave Squigs with 4 Handlers

Moonclan Boss on Great Cave Squig

So I have a couple of questions.  First, has anyone every tried a list with mainly squig units?  Was it effective at all or mostly an exercise in (awesome) madness?  Second, Are there any other destruction units that combo well with the squiggly beasts?  Last, I know that the Colossal Squig looks pretty good....but what the heck is with the Squig Gobba?  Is it really that intensely, blazingly, unbelievably terrible?!     

I have run an almost pure Squig list at a weekend event before.

As to whether it was effective or mostly an exercise in awesome madness? Definitely the latter.

I started to write a tournament report here, but never finished: 





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