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Living City AoS 3 upcoming game


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Name Unit Size Points Role Notes Special
Warlord Battalion         Bonus Enhancement
Dreadlord on Dragon 1 290 Leader. Behemoth Lance/Xbow Spear of the Hunt
Runelord 1 100 Leader General Druid of the Everspring: Ironoak Skin. Curse. 
Warden King 1 100 Leader Adjutant Wizard Book
Longbeards 10 105 Battleline HW&S. Honored retinue   
Battle Regiment         1 Drop
Gotrek 1 435 Leader    
Ironbreaker 20 230 Battleline    
Ironbreakers 20 230 Battleline    
Evocator on Dracoline 3 280 Unit    
Gyro 1 75 Unit    
Gyro 1 75 Unit    
LifeSwarm 1 60 Endless Spell    



I have my first game of AoS 3 coming up this weekend and am looking to give my cities army a go. Mix it up and try out some new things. I've got mostly Dwarves and Dark Elves to choose from model wise, with supporting Stormcast, KO, and DoK options.

I will outflank with the evocators and dragon while the dwarves hold the line. Gyros can capture the center and be very annoying providing covering fire for one and other. I made the runelord the genera (over the dragon) so I don't miss out on the bonus command points. The Runelord also gets more benefit form honored retinue protection and his prayers / spells lol / dispells IMO are more valuable overall.
Gotrek is bonkers now and I want to give him a go. Warden King got the book bc why not? lol, casting dwarves ... That means he can use Lore of Leaves for his spell too?

Lifeswarm and 3+ Ironbreakers should hold the line, especially with Ironoak Skin -1 to wounds.

Anyway, those are my thoughts. I haven't played cities in forever and want to play around with the new rules, any other ideas? pointers? massive holes im missing?

My opponent favors destruction armies if that helps, not 100% sure what he will bring though.

Appreciate any/all insight, many thanks. 

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Looks like a good list. Only thing I would change is give the dragon the 5+ ward save and make him super tanky. The spear giving +1 rend on his three lance attacks isn't too much. Fight first on the charge is great but he won't always get the charge off.

The rest of it looks good be a fun list of dwarves.

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Yeah I was looking at that. And I’m also looking to change the kitties to Concussors. Could then drop a gyro to fit in a Knight Azyros that would outflank with the drakes and free the dragon to hit the other flank. Force the fight on 3 fronts….



looking at the GHB leaks Gotrek isn’t marked as a leader … so not 100% sure if he fits in the battle regiment, this would solve that paradox.

Edited by Slave2Chaos
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Name Unit Size Points Role Notes Special
Warlord Battalion         Bonus Enhancement
Dreadlord on Dragon 1 290 Leader. Behemoth Lance/Xbow 5+ Ward
Runelord 1 100 Leader General Druid of the Everspring: Ironoak Skin. Curse. 
Warden King 1 100 Leader Adjutant Wizard Book: Cage of Thorns
Longbeards 10 105 Battleline HW&S. Honored retinue   
Battle Regiment         1 Drop
Gotrek 1 435 Leader    
Ironbreaker 20 230 Battleline    
Ironbreakers 20 230 Battleline    
Concussors 2 235 Unit    
Gyrobomber 1 90 Unit    
LifeSwarm 1 60 Endless Spell    



Knight Azyros 1


total 1985


Im not 100% sure if gotrek is a leader or not so the Knight Azyros may go into the warlord battalion and then one of the other dwarfs would go in the Regiment. The GHB leaks don't label him as a leader so Im just making sure I’ve got everything covered.


Dragon will hidden path on one flank, Concussors and Knight Azyros get the other. Rest of the army pushes up the middle. Bomber has the movement to take the center (battle tactic) in case I go first.

If everything goes well it should create 3 fronts for my opponent to deal with and allow me to control the board with my slower moving dwarfs.

Anyhow this is the list I’ve settled on for tonight. Will report back with how it goes.

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I ended up playing a Vyrkos Soulblight army in Tectonic Interference.

Long story short I won purely bc of my opponent took the outflank bait. Knight Azyros and 2 Concusors on one flank, Dreadlord Dragon on the other. It allowed my Ironbreakers to control the center and my left most objective for the first 3 turns. Gotrek was a beast but ended up only killing a unit of 20 skeletons and a corpse cart. Largely to being so slow. He was still a powerful flex, deterring anything too scary going that way.

The limitations on command points meant I could only "Melt Away" reliably with one unit: the concussors, used them to get a cheeky charge on Granny Bella and put pressure on early. I felt that their damage output was sub par but could've been my rolling. With all out defense they were a very solid anvil that took a lot to remove ... spells,, Radukar the beast, 10 wolves over 2 turns ....

Rules Question? If a Mortal caused from Blast to ashes gets shunted to another unit (Dire wolves in this case) does it still count towards the ability so that they cannon pile in?

The dragon caused my opponent to send his VLoZD that way, damn he hits hard, I could not roll a 5+ ward to save my life. Regardless, it kept the VLoZD out of the fight long enough for my dwarfs to get way up on points.

All in all I wasn't too impressed by the dreadlord dragon, I'm thinking that the Anointed on Frost Phoenix with wizard book would work better. That and if I'm going to outflank with something in addition to the concussors,  I believe a ranged option would be better. Maybe Kurnoth Hunters with bows or sisters of the watch? Irondrakes are another option but I feel like the opponent can just walk away from them after their initial volley, their short little legs never catching up.

Gotrek was the only real hammer, maybe some actual hammerers would be a good option? +Runelord for that sweet -2 rend. the can still all out defense or mystic shield to a 3+ save. add in Ironoak skin and possible 6+ ward prayer they can still hold a point.


Regardless very happy with the dwarf side of cities atm ... I think next time i will try some Tempest Eye and a few KO coalition.


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1 hour ago, Slave2Chaos said:

All in all I wasn't too impressed by the dreadlord dragon, I'm thinking that the Anointed on Frost Phoenix with wizard book would work better.


Yea, Dreadlord has some good tankiness potential with 5+ ward, but he is not a tank without his shield (and even then kinda eh). His true value lies within his mobility and damage, so his best use is almost constantly running around with Strike then Melt away and hitting weak targets all round, while blasting big units with his breath. On a charge he does quite a better damage than 2 Concussors (2 more wounds on average, although his rolls are quite swingy), but you definetly do not want him to get charged and to fight anything scary, that's Phoenix job

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