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  1. Seem like they didn't vs the giants. Steam tanks will delete a giant a turn though. It's a tough match up my mate plays it and can be a really 50:50 type of game especially on the turn 2 roll off.
  2. I agree with all this. Steam tanks are OP and I brought them to a tournament in Dec, they did fantastic. They have so many shots and the 2+ is so punishing. Wouldn't be surprise if they get their points increased. Good job on the two people who came 1st and 2nd in LVO.
  3. Took my 5 steam tank list to a 28 person tournament and went 4-1 which I'm super happy about, came 3rd. Their just too tanky and have so much output at range it just deletes armies. Noticed the biggest problem is holding points if you vs a horde army they really struggle but can slowly chew through them. I highly rate the steam tanks now. Now onto a different army type, thinking alpha charge knights. See how that goes.
  4. Looks like a fun list. I always wanted to try the Luminark in Living cities idea. I say go for it, they can also kill little buff heros super easy with the lasers.
  5. Yep both of them are so useful. Bringing back 3d3 amount of wounds is such a great ability. The 4+ to stop commands can be really swingy but its nice to hear it went in your favor. I wouldn't mine running two of them then you can do both twice. Also they can hit kinda well in melee too.
  6. I still want to try a block of 30 of them with the 5+ ward and 6 do mortal spell. Give them +1 armor and they would be tanky and hit a bit harder. That's 420 points and could hold a point pretty effectively.
  7. Yeah that's the thing, he is more tanky and his abilities just work all the time unlike hers. I personally think he should be more around 400 but oh well.
  8. Nice list. I'm also thinking of using the Drakespawn Chariot, the easy mortal wounds with darkspawn knights could be quite effective.
  9. Yeah she does the same amount of damage as a Griffon charging with the hammer artifact. She does more damage in the next fight phase since the Griffon loses the charge bonus on the lance. The 70 points difference is all for that rally on a 4+ in combat but it can be so situational. Now as I read it she only need to be in combat for the 4+ rally which makes it nice since 10 knights can blow up stuff and end up out of combat. She is situational but also she only 340 points. She does more damage then Belthanos if that anything.
  10. Just read the FAQ. Surprised they did +20 to our fusillers was expecting +10. Rest I'm not surprised about. The sad thing is as other have said they didn't buff anything that is really weak. Also dark elves are still super strong and do better shooting then humans now with chariots. Also I know this is picky but I'm annoyed that the dragon bite didn't get made into D6. Was D6 last book but got nerfed to D3. Sure its a mistake but they don't seem to care. I did email them about it oh well.
  11. If you look at my list just above its all the new units. If you didn't want Ionus Cryptborn in your list you could run some Fusilliers with a Warforger. If you wanted to go all shooting mass Fusilliers would be effective. Or go mass horde steelhelms could also be effective.
  12. After I run my steam tank at the next tournament here is my list idea for a alpha strike army. Misthaven the Pontifex to give that 5+ ward into their deployment, then do the Marshal and a unit of Cavaliers to go with him. Move and charge both Tahlia and Ionus up. Ionus uses his breath to clear screens/ chain lighting in the hero phase. Other Cavaliers follow up and if they can get a charge all the better. Command corps just turns off commands and if they get up their eventually heal some models. Everyone just takes engage the Foe order for +1 attack. Should be pretty spicy for an army. Misthaven Cavalier-Marshal General 120 Sigmarite Warhammer Fiery Temper Thalia 340 Pontifex 150 Cavaliers x 10 360 Cavaliers x 10 360 Steel Helms x 10 100 Command Corps 170 Ionus Cryptborn 400 Total 2000
  13. I like both. The Griffon with the Hammer Artifact does just slightly more damage then Tahlia. I play to run a list with 20 Cav and both of them so they can do work together. Here is the stats for both of them fighting. The Griffon is charging if not it drops off a little.
  14. If anyone is wondering they fixed his warscroll he is now a lord for ranges.
  15. I like it. Got a bit more staying power and board control with vanguard hunters.
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