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LordDrakonus' Stormcast(pics)


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So I've started my Stormcast and I'm going to share the journey here. 1st I've built the following list and I'm going to start painting them in Hallowed Knights chamber. Than I plan too grow too the second list after I finish painting the 1k list.

Knight Vexillor (200)
- General
- Trait: Legendary Fighter
- Artefact: Relic Blade

Judicators x 5 (160)
Judicators x 5 (160)
Paladin Retributors x 10 (440)


War Machines


Total: 960/1000

Knight Vexillor (200)
- Artefact: Phoenix Stone
Lord Celestant (100)
- General
- Trait: Reckless
- Artefact: Relic Blade

Judicators x 5 (160)
Judicators x 5 (160)
Liberators x 5 (100)
Liberators x 5 (100)
Paladin Decimators x 5 (200)
Paladin Protectors x 5 (200)
Paladin Retributors x 10 (440)
Prosecutors with Stormcall Javelins x 6 (160)


War Machines

The Skyborne Slayers (140)

Total: 1960/2000


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aye I tried a purple wash and it didn't give the glow just darkened.......Had my 1st game with 1k list today. I played vs the wife bloodbound which was 10 wrathmongers 20 bloodwarriors,20 bloodreavers a bloodscretor and a bloodstoker. We rolled up places of power and i was a little scared as I only have the one hero.....I had 4 drops so I went first shot a few wrathmongers out of the 10 man unit held back with the rets and the vex she lost 3 more wrathmongers from battle shock! Her turn she surged everything foward got a place of power with the bloodstoker, planted the banner and than we rolled for turn........I really needed to win this roll and by sigmar i did. I than telebombed the rets behind her lines and shot off the rest of the wrathmongers. Rets smashed into the bloodscretor and the bloodreaver 3 starsoul maces made short work of the bloodstokers and the rest of the rets smashed all but 3 of the bloodreavers, the rest fled the field and it was her turn. She was abel to get one bloodwarriors into my right flank judicators and turned the other unit back into the rets. She was able to kill 2 rets and only a single judicators. The rets smashed the bloodwarriors too man in return and the judicators took out 1 bloodwarrior. I again one turn priorty and jumped the bloodstoker with my retsd and grab the place of power with the vex. From her only hope was to take out the lib win turn and than take out the vex. Unfortunately for her this didn't happen and I was able to take a major victory in my 1st battle as stormcast!







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