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Khorne, The Bloodlords - Halo of Blood


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I am confused about the way Halo of Blood artefact of power works...

Does it allow the bearer to activate at the start of combat, and then, if it is my turn, allow me to activate a different unit? Or does it mean that the bearer always activates first, and then the opponent goes, no matter what turn it is. I keep reading people throw the word "basically", but it doesnt explain much...

Last night, my Bloodthrister had the artefact. he activated first, on my turn, but then opponent said it was his turn to activate. Could someone explain?


Thank you!

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GW provided explanation for it https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/03/21/who-fights-first/

It kinda got changed, but only in regards to fight first vs. fight last abilities. 

tl;dr all stuff that fights first does so in order picked by active player, then you go through the normal combat (meaning you pick first unit again on your turn).

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