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Best way to secure models to milliputty bases


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Hi all,

So I've put my orruk army on bases which use milliputty and a greenstuffworld roller. I love the look but I typically finding several models per game fall off their base.

My current method is simply supergluing them.

Does anyone have a more successful technique to secure the models to their bases?

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On 11/15/2019 at 8:33 PM, Vasshpit said:

Pin the models.

Drill a hole in base.

Superglue down and fold the pin under the base. (Optional: superglue folded pin)

Basically what @Vasshpit said...

Definitely pinning. I end up supergluing the pin into the base as well...

I will add, If you’re going to use paper clips, don’t use your plastic sprue cutters. It will totally destroy them.

Use wire cutter specific clippers. (Typically from a hardware store)

here’s a good link about the process:


Miliput and resin bases are basically going to be the same process.

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