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Hello, is this thing on? "My name is...

Don Raccoon

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Hello, I'm new to the site. I play Sigmar. Have models for Sylvaneth, Slaves to Darkness/Disciples of Tzeentch. And have some Stormcast kicking about from starter box.

I'm in Scotland, have been playing since January. Used to play 40K years ago (5th/6th ed).

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@Don Raccoon Welcome to the site! Sounds like you've got your feet fully into the game with 3 armies on the build and some stormcast hanging around as well! Could be a very interesting end of the year and start next year - there's rumour that Tzeentch might get a new Battletome end of this year and Slaves to Darkness can't be far off either. Plus all the recent Warcry stuff which also gives you warband models for Slaves! 

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Been quite the time, with a new book already for the Trees and this rumoured Tzeentch book. If there is a Slaves one coming as well, then what a time to be alive! Lol!

A couple of the Warcry bands look ok (snakes and crows), though no idea what I'd use them for though.

Need to finish off what I have though, get them all painted and based and stop being distracted. :D

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