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King uv da Hill


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Played a Multiplayer Fun game last night, it was Greenskinz (proppa!) vs Dwarfs (stoopid stunties always goin' on about things instead a'fightin). Now 3 of the players had little to no experience, which made it even more fun. It was so exciting to see the Dwarves bunker up on a huge hills, and then to surround it with Greenies! You'd figure that being surrounded well within charge range on the first turn would be a death sentence, but the Dwarfs actually held out and MURDERED stuff! Even Pepto the Abysmol couldn't hold out under the weight of incoming fire, the Mawkrusha and 2 Giants were dropped in back to back turns by the Stunty tricksters. In the end, the Green Tide was unpossible to stop and the Greenskins made it to the top of the hill and punted the standard bearer off with his banner planted somewhere...well, nobody needs or wants to know. The added fun was it had a father vs son twist!



Good old Pepto The Abysmol as I accidentally named him and the moniker just stuck...do I dare paint him Albino now, or shall he live on in infamy?


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