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claiming cover



Hi guys,

how does cover works with AoS?

I have a Ghoul King mini on a single base, but standing on a rock. When I put him behind a low obstacle, he still pops out. It he considered in cover, or not?

The ghoul courtier, is the same mini as the other ghouls, but on a larger base. when placed in the middle of a big regiment of ghouls, is he considered in cover?

what definies if a miniature is in cover? the mini itself (you can see it), or its base (visible, or not)?

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2 answers to this question

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Visibility and cover aren't linked.

If a model can be seen, it can be attacked.

The +1 save for cover is received from being 'on' or 'in' a terrain piece - or an effect that confers cover in some other way (can't think of any off the top of my head).

For example, the Sylvaneth wildwood - a model on the base of the Wood gets +1sv. If the model is obscured by a tree such that it cannot be seen, it cannot be attacked (excepting attacks that specifically don't require LOS).

Two important caveats; as per the FAQ, hills do not provide +1sv as they are considered part of the battlefield, but can still block LOS.

Walls and hedges have a separate warscroll and provide the cover bonus to units within a certain distance of the opposite side to the attacker.

Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk

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