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Desert Basing Ideas


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I am currently working on redesigning my tomb kings army for AoS and am in the process of rebasing however i am struggling to decide how to base them.

I'm looking to use a desert scheme for the basing but this is not something ive done before so i thought i would ask and see if anyone has any good recipes for this as i find getting a good basing scheme one of the most difficult aspects of the hobby.

My army has the usual bone for skeletons along with red and an off white for the details on many of the models if this helps.


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Even though it's not AoS, I did desert basing on my Infinity models, and it was pretty simple:


Here are the steps:

  1. Glue down a couple small patches of sand, leave most of the base blank.
  2. Paint whole base with graveyard earth.
  3. Paint Agrellan Earth over the non-sand areas of the base (and brush a little bit of it onto the sand while you're at it, almost like a drybrush, but not very intense).
  4. Add weathering pigments (I used yellow, rusty orange, and brown), focus them on the bigger cracks and sandy areas, plus the models feet.


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