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Horror from WD May 2019 - How to recreate this paint job?


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Hello! I always wanted  to use a grey/black color scheme and I saw this paint job in the last White Dwarf.  Could you please help me identify which colors have been used for the skin (black and grey part) in order to recreate it?

Many thanks!


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This is pure guesswork but if I were trying to recreate this, I'd likely do the following:

The black I'd start off with Abaddon Black highlighted with perhaps Thunderhawk Blue, then Dawnstone followed by Ulthuan Grey.

The pale grey I'd likely guess is Celesta Grey, shaded with Nuln Oil (and I mean shading it rather than washing) and highlighted up with Ulthuan Grey and then white.

However I'd do a test model to make 100% sure!

I'm not sure which painter painted this one, but they may well be on Instagram to ask.  I also know that I did read one GW staff member is going to try and do this scheme using Contrast paints when they come out - however I have no recollection who they were!  I think the new white, grey and black Contrast paints could make replicating this scheme a lot easier.

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