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Shooting and LoS




I saw the rules on Look out Sir, but I got a noob question on shooting and LoS:

what hinders LoS for shooting units?

Can I shoot through enemy units?

the Core book rules only states p230 "In your shooting phase, you can shoot with models armed with missile weapons."

Example 1: a necromancer is surrounded by zombies. My jezzails are on the table, in the correct range to shoot: can they shoot the necromancer?
Example 2: a necromancer is surrounded by dead wolves. My jezzails are on the table, in the correct range to shoot: can they shoot the necromancer?

thanks in advance,

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1 answer to this question

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You can shoot anything you want even if there is enemy models in front of your target as long as you can see it and it is still in range. You can shoot the necromancer hiding behind a group of ghosts or skeletons, but if he is within 3” he will make you take a -1 to hit him from Look Out Sir.

Note that if he is hiding behind a giant zombie dragon it might be harder to see him and the shooting  is dependent on each individual model’s sight and range.

Also sidenote Idoneth Deepkin override these rules and force you to shoot only the closest visible target regardless of whom you actually want to hit.

Edit: Citadel woods also restrict Los if you draw a line going 1” into the base when aiming at any enemies unless someone has flying rules.

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