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Khaos-Neth, the lords of chaos (and others)


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Abandoned for centuries, many denizens of the mortal realms fell to worship of the only gods who listened. The Axefather, the Changer of Ways, The Grandfather, the Horned One and the Lost God, all gave their gifts, all gave visions, all took what was owed. Now the Storm God's armies march from the realm gates, the trees rage, the Bad Moon rises and the dead do not rest in their graves. The time has come for the Champions of Chaos to walk the path to glory, to heed the call of the gods for nought awaits those who fall from the road to ruin but spawndom, insanity, and eternal torment.


-The Malasic Armiger, knight of the Poisoned Glade, guided by a nurgling-


This plog will be a documentation of my customised/kitbashed chaos figurines, some basic narrative, some sketches/inkwork and my poor man's blanchitsu style painting. I hope you all enjoy what i churn out. Be warned I've had a stupidly productive month this month so please do not get used to the level of content shoved out in the next week or so.




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-Goretooth, Khorne-Gor Beastlord-


"Goretooth watches, Goretooth learns. The chosen mortals might use us beasts, they might send us to our deaths so they might play their games, but not Goretooth. The Axefather speaks to him, guides him, that he may claim more skills, spill more blood and raise the other beastkin to their rightful place as the true children of the gods." - Zenbrecht, the mad bray-prophet c,101 after the opening of the gates of Azyr.

Gore tooth is built from an easy to build blood warrior and a few Gor parts (Unfortunatly the Gor box doesn't have any extra heads so I'm not 100% sure what I'm going to do with my spare body) While he doesn't have goat legs he still looks pretty great imo. I haven't used him in a game yet (I don't really play that much but I'm trying to make skirmish happen at my local store). Those old Easy To Build blood warriors are awesome for making chaos characters (as are the old reavers) and its a shame you can't get them directly from GW anymore (apart from in the start collecting khorne easy to build box, but who wants to spend $140 au just to get them?)

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"We of the knights of the poisoned glade march to spread the innumerate joys of the Grandfather to the masses. Our evangelism is matched only by our fury against those who would attempt to silence the word of nurgle" -  Castellan Chaplain of the Rotten Keep

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