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Seeking advice on painting white stone.


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I bought the objective markers and I'm trying to figure out how exactly the white stone was done for the tomb and the head https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/Age-Of-Sigmar-Objective-Markers-2018

I can tell they used agrax and camoshade to shade it, and then drybrushed either white or bone. But I'm not sure how to start it - ulthuan grey? Corax white? Can anybody weigh in?

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I would guess that is Ushabti Bone as the base, shaded as you say and drybushed with Screaming Skull. Just a good tip, when using bone as the base coat it is usually best to paint over brown.  So I would either prime a light brown or lay down a layer of Zandri Dust to build up to the bone white. 

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Yep pretty much what TheWilddog says. My guess is they probably painted it by base coating/priming it with Zandri Dust (mostly just because it's imo the go to for bone/warmer off-white colours), then give it a thin layer of Ushabti Bone washing it with of a 1:1:1 mix of Seraphim Sepia, Agrax and Lahmian Medium follwed by a heavy drybrush of Karak Stone and then  a recess shade of Agrax and/or Camoshade. Finishing it off with a drybrush of Screaming Skull over the whole model being heavier on the columns and top of the tomb. For the face I would do the same thing but leave out the Agrax from the Seraphim Sepia mix and use Ushabti Bone to drybrush it instead of Karak Stone.

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