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Ethereal/Ghostly Warbands


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     I’m getting ready to paint Magore’s Fiends and want them painted using a variation of the paint scheme I use for my regular Blood Warriors but with a ghostly effect. Does anyone have any advice how I could achieve this?

     My first two ideas were to A) paint them with normal paint scheme then cover the entire thing with either nighthaunt gloom, nihilakh oxide or/and hexwraith flame cut 1:2 with glazing medium or B) do the exact opposite and base it with the ghost colors then paint the normal scheme diluted 1:2 with glazing medium. However I’m not certain either of these would give me the effects I’m hoping for (or if those effects are even possible with my skill level).

     Third option C) paint the normal scheme but make all of the fleshy bits ghostly. Seems like the simplest way but I was wanting the entire model to look ethereal including the armor. I also wanted to basically carry this concept across all of the different warbands as ghostly versions of the core game army.

     Does anyone have any ideas or tried anything similar and willing to share what they learned?

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