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Gargant assembly problem...


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I’m running into a problem putting together a Gargant model and was wondering if anyone had a similar experience or ideas on how to fix it.

in the very first step of assembly- gluing the front of the torso to the loincloth- no matter what I do, there’s a thin gap running almost the entire way around the join. I’ve attached a photo holding it up with my TV as a backlight so you can see what I’m talking about.

ive carefully removed the mold lines from both parts, checked carefully to see if there are any irregularities in the surface, and experimentally widened out the notch in the lower front (just behind the belly) to see if that wasn’t letting the loincloth slot fully into place, all with no luck.

Any ideas? I can’t really proceed without ensuring this is a strong plastic glue bond, as the loincloth is the main point of contact for the legs and the only other part where it contacts the rest of the torso is a *tiny* bit at the sides.


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I had a little issue with my latest Giant kit. I have found the trunk of the body can be fiddly. On my last one I had decent sized gaps on the sides running up the seam of the belly. 

I don't think gluing will be an issue for you as the rest of the pieces have a lot of contact points. As for the gap just fill it with freenstuff and smooth it out. 

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Thanks. I’m not too concerned with cosmetic issues at this stage- I’m definitely prepared to break out the LGS for the side seam- I’m just worried that there may not be enough surface-to-surface contact for plastic glue to create a strong join. It barely touches except at the three tabs, and I’m worried I may have compromised that central tab by slightly deepening the notch in order to try and flush fit the two surfaces.

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