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First Go At Nighthaunt 2k list


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Thinking about trying out my first NH list this weekend, probably going to proxy some of the unreleased stuff to see how it performs on the field. 

The Shroudguard Battalion caught my eye as I like the idea of a tough summonable unit with a 5+ deathless minions so this is what I came up with.


Lady Olynder - General, Lifestealer - 240

Guardian of Souls - Beacon of the Nagashizzar, Spectral Tether - 140

Spirit Torment - 120

Knight of Shrouds on Steed - Slitter - 140


Black Coach - 280


5 Bladegheist Revenants - 90

20 Bladegheist Revenants  - 320


10 Chainwrasp Hordes -  80

10 Chainwrasp Hordes - 80

5 Hexwraiths - 140


6 Spirit Host - 240


Shroudguard - 110

Soulsnare Shackles - 20


So my thought is to create a deathball out of the big unit of Revenants to dominate the middle of the field while my wraiths, spirit host, and coach offer mobility. The coach's ability to bring back D3 whole models is super strong with the spirit host so I imagine they will stick together, to a degree. 

Chainwrasp hordes get to be cheap objective babysitters or screens.

Torn between Slitter and Midnight Tomb for my second item. Bringing in a third caster could be so useful but slitter offers such a unique benefit to execute command models or to split units to break coherence. 


Feedback is very much welcome!





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