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Considering a Campaign Weekend: Idea

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Anyone who has seen... well any post from me at this stage will know I'm massively into narrative gaming, conversions and unique rules, so much so I have my own custom faction in progress and have spent far too much money over the course of the year fleshing it out. 

But something I have been considering of late is trying to get a bunch of likeminded people together and book a few tables at warhammer world for a weekend toward the end of the year for an unofficial narrative campaign. It'd be something that welcomes unique conversions, warscrolls and even unique factions aslong as all models were entirely GW parts and the rules were reviewed by myself and anyone who wants to help out before hand.

With a mix of games from low points upto 2k it would be pointed narrative (for balance but not neccessarily the same points levels on each side depending on scenario) with the chance to take your own unique named characters through the weekend, build and break alliances and carve out your own stories. With custom warscrolls allowed you can also progress your character between warscrolls for example:

Starting with a Lord Relictor
Progress, plan to go to custom scroll 1: Lord Relictor on Dracoth
End the weekend using custom scroll 2: Lord Relictor on Carmine Dragon


I'm starting to plan the story behind it, but wanted to see if any players would be up for such a weekend with obviously alot of time in advance to plan their own cool forces with which to use.

So anyone interested in planning and playing in such a weekend, have ideas or critique please add them below!




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