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Return of the Katophranes - A Theory.

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This theory starts back in the Age of Myth and the city of Shadespire:


“…amidst the shifting mountains of lifeless waste, the Oasis of Souls was found… descending far further into the darkness than those who discovered it dared venture. They knew not what had formed this plunging abyss, but the wisest amongst them believed it to be a locus through which the flowing energies of Shyish converged.” (Skirmish, p8)

Could this Oasis of Souls be a portal into Uhl-Gysh, the Hidden Gloaming, and everyones favourite missing Chaos God?   Meanwhile...


“A ruling elite emerged known as the Katophranes… The Katophranes’ greatest work was the crafting of glass made  from the dark ores within the Oasis of Souls. Shadeglass, as they called it, could capture the essence of one’s being at the point of death, before the soul seeped away to the Underworlds.  With shade glass the knowledge and memories of the dying could be preserved, and the Karophranes were able to live beyond their mortal years” (Skirmish, p9)

Cue angry Nagash.


“the Great Necromancer wove a ritual… Shadespire was trapped halfway between Ulgu – Realm of Shadows – and Hysh – Realm of Light. Bound within this dark reflection, refracted between these two diametrically opposed realms, the souls of the fallen could never escape the Mirrored City and make the journey to the Underworlds.” (http://ageofsigmar.wikia.com/wiki/Shadespire)

Again this place sounds a lot like the Gloaming.


“Eager to reclaim the essences of their lost kin, the eleven gods.. created a plan to lure Slaanesh out of hiding and into Uhl-Gysh, the Hidden Gloaming - a no-place that existed between the realms of Hysh and Ulgu.”
(Battletome DoK, Of Aelf-Souls and Empires)

Now, as we return to the current time period, Morathi and Malerion are fishing for souls together…


“‘This delicate balance we have achieved here, this prison,’ continued the female. ‘It will all be ripped apart like cobwebs in a storm if the portents come to pass. We must act now if we are to prevent that fell cataclysm, or at least ride it out intact. We have a duty to our race, to every soul we rescue. That, at least, is truly eternal.”
(A Rescued Soul - Malign Portents, https://malignportents.com/story/a-rescued-soul/)

It seems that Slaanesh is returning. My theory is that perhaps the Katophranes could escape too.

It seems that Death will get a new undead faction as part of the forthcoming soul wars.  They will be loyal to Nagash.  Meanwhile, the Flesh-Eater Courts are running away to avoid Nagash. Let’s say they are Nagash neutral. Could the Katophranes become a death faction whom oppose Nagash? 

Have I missed any obvious plotholes?
Could the Katophranes return?
If so, what kind of army do you think the Katophranes would be?

I'd love to hear your thoughts!


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Might be so, depends on what GW does with Shadespire. If they move the game to a different setting it could work, otherwise, shadespire will probably stay as it is. Also, they might not all be against Nagash, for example the Warden of Shadespire from the skeleton warband is loyal to Nagash, and many may have followed suite in a bid for freedom. 

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9 hours ago, Pariah said:

Might be so, depends on what GW does with Shadespire. If they move the game to a different setting it could work, otherwise, shadespire will probably stay as it is...

I guess you're right. If  Warhammer Underworlds were to change location for season 2, this may be more likely.   However, it seems that brand recognition is higher for Shadespire than Underworlds.  So, a change may be unlikely :(

9 hours ago, Pariah said:

.... Also, they might not all be against Nagash, for example the Warden of Shadespire from the skeleton warband is loyal to Nagash, and many may have followed suite in a bid for freedom. 


As you say, "not all may be against Nagash."  The Sepulchral Guard models look awesome, but for me, they fluff is minimal to justify a Deathrattle Warband.  


The Deathrattle of Shadespire are quite unlike the typical charnel slaves raised by minor necromancers and practitioners of fell magic. Their soul animus remains trapped within their decayed forms as a result of the curse of Nagash, and thus they retain a fragmented memory of their past lives long after their flesh has rotted away. Over time, many of these unfortunates have sworn themselves to the God of Death’s service, praying that by petitioning Nagash for forgiveness they may be freed from the agony of their existence. Greatest amongst the faithful is the Sepulchral Warden, the former Lord Marshal of Shadespire. Such is his devotion to Nagash that this enigmatic creature has been gifted with the power to inspire frenzied devotion in his subjects, and he directs them against all who would challenge the Great Necromancer’s will. (https://warhammerunderworlds.com/sepulchral-guard/)

Perhaps, the Warden and Guard sold out to Nagash.  Maybe, they were alive when Nagash punished the city and thus became Deathrattle.


My vision of Katophrane is an ethereal faction trapped in the Shadeglass waiting to return.  I don’t know a great deal about 40K fluff, but I pictured the Shadeglass as similar to Eldar Spirit Stones.


Spirit Stones
“used to save their souls from destruction by Slaanesh… At the moment of the Eldar’s death the stone acts like a ‘psychic trap’ absorbing his psychic self and preventing it from entering the Warp and being consumed…

It is commonly believed that when enough Eldar souls have been gathered… a new God will emerge … Ynnead, the Eldar God of the Dead. It is hoped by many of the Farseers that that this new God will be powerful enough to vanquish Slaanesh freeing the Eldar from their doom at the Prince of Pleasure's grasping hands”


Again crossing franchises, in the 50th anniversary special of the tv show Doctor Who,



the Doctor used some kind of stasis technology to freeze his race, the Time Lords, and his planet, Gallifrey, in a single moment in time.  He kept it in a 'pocket universe' from which the Time Lords later return.


A Katophrane faction, similar to Time Lords, could, perhaps, introduce something new to the realms.  They could be an emerging faction like 40Ks Necrons with an ability to manipulate time as a defining trait, for example.  As I suggested before, I imagine them as a Death faction tending to order as they seek to escape Nagash. 


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