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Bloodbound vs Nurgle Daemon


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So Saturday saw two clashes of the Chaos gods in the form of Bloodbound verses Nurgle (with a bit of help from Khorne).  25 models each with a wounds count of 51 vs 59 and using the ToS Clash of Empires Battleplans

The first battle saw a victory for the Bloodbound as the two sides vied for control of an ancient walled fortification and an ruined Chaos Shrine and putrid blood flowed readily supplying Khorne with a multitude of fresh skulls.


The second battle saw the two sides attempt to steal ground from each other which neither side managed to do successfully despite the appearance of a Daemonsmith on the Daemons side (who appeared determined to sit at the back and watch proceedings).



Although the two sides were similar based on the Battleplan, classic Daemons do lack a bit of punch when coming up against a new-style army.  Points wise the Nurgle army worked out to be much lower than the Bloodbound (though we don't yet have points for the FW Toads or Daemonsmith), they also lacked a "proper" general which meant they did struggle to keep up with Khorne's nutters.  That said, a unit of Plague Toads will tarpit anything you throw them at, 4 wounds per base doesn't sound great, but a decent save and an amazing ward ability (flappy skin) means they just don't die.  I can also see Nurglings being really nasty when you have a few units on the table.

It was also really nice playing with three battleboards having been sprayed grey, it looks so much better than bare plastic and also had the advantage that models don't try and slide down the hill sections...  Not bad for a couple of evenings with some cans of spray paint.  Though I'm desperately trying to get 1000 points painted for August I'd love to get the other 3 boards to the same level and possibly some of the larger terrain pieces.

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