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Skeleton Champions and Hornblowers


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Hey guys,

new to AOS and tabletop in general and I picked up the skeleton horde start collecting set. I was wondering about the champions and hornblowers. If a set of 10 can have 1 champion, 1 bannerman and 1 hornblower, how many can a unit of 20/30/40 have? can you have 4 banners in a 4 man horde? i.e. -4 leadership or do you have to take them as 4 units?

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thanks! does that mean two units of skeletons with banners still provide only -1 leadership?

follow up question: I am looking at hero options and Wight King can take a mount but doesn't seem to cost more even if he took it. Is there  any reason *not* to take a mount?

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Yes, the leadership penalties don't stack.  It's still worth making extra banners and musicians. Tho, as some abilities can pick them out.

Re wight king mounts.  Main reasons not to take pne are that it's slightly easier to block line of sight to a model on foot, and the wight king on foot model is really good.  In a purely mechanical sense, you should always take the steed, but then again in a purely mechanical sense you shouldn't be taking wight kings in the first place, they're not actually very good for their points either way.

Necromancers are better and cheaper, vampire lords are considerably better and only a bit more expensive, and if you're using malign portent rules a knight of shrouds is better for the same cost.

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