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I got three starter boxes when the game launched and split two of them with a mate.

I started building and painting them back then, and got multi-part boxes and cheap starter box deals off eBay but no one at the club really played until recently.

So I have dug them out and dusted them off. The older stuff will appear later as I revisit them but currently I am working on a few Liberator Primes converted from starter box primes using grand weapons from the multi-part Liberator and Prosecutor boxes, and a Lord-celestant on Dracoth using some bits from the Dracothian Guard box and the Stardrake Templar bits.

The next prime I'll do will be the same base starter box prime with a head swap and shockbolt bow from the Judicators box, and then another four Judicators with skybolt bows. I also have a second Shadespire box on the way, and I'll convert the female Liberator to have a sword and arched helmet (as she'll have a sword) to go with some starter box Liberators I have head swapped (again with arched helms) and warblades and shields.

Early days yet but I have enough built to play with but as I am due to move house soon (new job, new city) I'll have to pack everything away soon so I am getting my last hobby fix for a while whilst I still can.


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@flemingmmaTa mate. They still need detail work (green stuff blending mostly), some stuff is still just dry fit so I can get the pose just right, but they are coming along.

The shiny ones below are the primes I did nearly two years ago, but just light sprayed Val bronze. I do Val gold over this, then a brown/black ink (old GW) wash/glaze for deep antiquing in deep recesses, then Val bright brass highlight followed by a very thinned Val bronze glaze to blend with the metallics flakes separated out - basically olive green.

The grey and blue plastic is what I worked on today. The Prime is supposed to be pulling the bow up and drawing the arrow as he does so - not sure on pose yet. The lady is just a Shadespire weapon swapped to a warblade with the correct helm arch for blade using Liberator retinues. I'll put her on a different base when I do more work on her.



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